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Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: Characters and episodes mentioned in this fanfic from the TV show Scarecrow and Mrs. King do not belong to me, but to Shoot the Moon and Warner Brothers et als. I am just borrowing them for some fun.

Timeline: End of Season 3—Filler for "All The World's A Stage"

Scene: Agency Bullpen
Dot Matrix

Lee watched Amanda from across the bullpen as she fought the
continuous CURLS of paper bunching up in the dot matrix printer. It
seems the paper had jammed up against the RIBBON cartridge yet
again. How does she find the patience to deal with those blasted
boxes on a day to day basis, Lee wondered as he thought of the sheer
hatred he had for computers and anything to do with them. He mused
that, in reality, he probably feared them more than hated them, not
completely unlike his fear of relationships.

But that was not important right now. What was important was that he
had finally gotten his nerve up to talk to Amanda about their
relationship. He had hardly been able to think of anything else
these past couple of months. He couldn't really pinpoint an exact
time that the relationship had changed for him, but there had been
several incidents that had brought it really to the forefront of his

His PULSE quickened as he thought back to the night in the swamp
running from Sacker's men. He had come so close to kissing those
beautiful, soft as SILK lips of hers only to be interrupted by men
with guns shooting blindly into the darkened swamp.

He also recalled the evening after the Steven Sallee case was over
when he had shared a delicious meal with Amanda at her house, "just
like a couple of normal people" for once. And damned if her mother
and the boys didn't decided to come home early and spoil yet another
KISS for them. All hadn't been lost though, when Amanda followed him
out to the back porch, and he had finally been able to give her that
kiss that he had longed to give her for so many weeks. Really, if he
was completely honest with himself, he'd had feelings for Amanda far
longer than anyone would guess. He had just been really good at
suppressing and hiding them, even from himself. He was so deep in
thought that he had failed to notice that Amanda had fixed the
printer and was fast approaching him.

"Morning, Lee."

"Oh hi, Amanda!

"You must have an important case on your mind this morning. You
looked like you were a million miles away."

"I'm sorry about that Amanda. I do need to see you up in the Q
Bureau as soon as you finish fighting with the printer over there,"
Lee said with his best Stetson smile.

"Oh, that thing? I got it all fixed! I can follow you up there now
if you'd like." Amanda said trying very hard to hide the fact that
his gorgeous smile had nearly knocked the wind out of her.

Lee guided Amanda out of the bullpen all the while thinking about the
talk he was getting ready to have with her. He said a silent prayer
that he wouldn't mess this up.

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