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Lee Stetson emulated the PULSE of the Christmas shopper. He never
thought this was possible. But he never expected to experience the
feelings for Amanda King that grew inside his heart.

He had traveled to New Jersey for some information on a new case.
The meet at the shopping mall did not go as expected. As Lee waited
for details about some hamburger franchise, he found himself window
shopping in the mall. The gift shop just inside the entrance of the
JM Towne & Co store had captured his attention. He had found
something that he knew his partner would love.

Now he stood in line at the gift wrap counter. A vast amount of
examples of holiday wrappings could have frightened him away.
Thinking of Amanda scared in a swamp or dancing in Joe King's arms
was more than enough encouragement to continue.

He looked at the one with mistletoe and imagined a KISS without
interruptions. Should he narrow it down to the one with the RIBBON
that CURLS? He finally told that girl to wrap it in the one with the
SILK ornamentation on the top row, second from the right.


A/N I am not sure what year JMT went out of business, but I have
great memories of their Christmas wrap, and the decorations that were
created from them.
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