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Lee checked his watch for the third time in what seemed like hours. Auggie was late as usual. He better have some extraordinary information this time or else Lee was going to shoot him. He had a monster head ache and needed some of his wife's special brand of TLC.

He felt stupid just standing around, pacing back and forth in front of the store, so he decided to go inside and wander up and down the aisles. Row after row of exotic and erotic toys greeted him.

Deciding to put his time to good use he studied the offerings carefully wondering which ones he and Amanda could play with. He picked up a jar of beige liquid and read the label, "Caramel sauce--create your very own sundae."

Too messy, he thought and moved on to the next shelf. He stared at the mind boggling site. There had to be a thousand different condoms on the shelf. Everything from the standard drug store Trojans to flavored and textured, even vibrating condoms. He had to look twice at the flavors and finally found a one that he thought Amanda would enjoy. He certainly would enjoy her tasting it. He picked up the ice blue box and turned his head as the bell over the door rang.

At last, Auggie arrived. Lee took his purchase to the register, slid his purchase in his pocket ,and met his tardy informant.

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