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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's my drabble answer to this week's challenge. As always, the legal stuff, I am just borrowing these characters for a short while--wish I did own them, but don't. They belong to parties other than me!
Amanda considered Lee's new "TOY" as she stirred the alfredo SAUCE that would later grace the pasta and chicken she was cooking. It seemed to her that her husband's new toy really wasn't anything to PLAY around with at all. In fact, Lee had found that out the second day after he had purchased it. And because of it, he had spent most of the day on the couch nursing the painful ACHE in his backside, alternating between an ICE pack and heating pad. Yep, his newest acquisition, Zip Bar Chance, a three year old green-broke quarter horse mare had bucked him right off the first time he'd tried to ride her in their round pen! Poor Lee, she thought, his pride is probably hurt more than his backside!
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