Resolute Strength Universe by aharey0
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Summary: This series of stories is my take on how the series might have gone after it ended. It revolves around Lee and Amanda Stetson, their sons, Phillip and Jamie, their daughters, Sarah and Katie, and the rest of their family and friends.
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Beaman, Billy Melrose, Dotty West, Francine Desmond, Jamie King, Lee Stetson, Phillip King
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 7
Series Type: Closed

Independence Day by aharey Rated: Teen [Reviews - 2]
Summary: This is a look at how Lee and Amanda spend the Fourth of July throughout the years. It begins before the series and ends several years after the series ended.
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Billy Melrose, Dotty West, Francine Desmond, Jamie King, Joe King, Lee Stetson, Phillip King
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 22124 Read Count: 88422
[Report This] Published: 05/12/10 Updated: 08/03/11
Season of Friendship by aharey Rated: Family [Reviews - 1]
Summary: This is a short one-shot that takes place during the Christmas holiday in Season Two. It is a stand-alone story, although it does fit within my Resolute Strength universe.
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Dotty West, Lee Stetson
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2115 Read Count: 4574
[Report This] Published: 23/12/11 Updated: 23/12/11
Strive for Success by aharey Rated: Teen [Reviews - 2]
Summary: In Class Act, Amanda wasn’t able to finish Station One. So, what happens when Lee and Billy give her the opportunity to try it again? Takes place at the end of Season Two, after Vigilante Mothers.
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Billy Melrose, Lee Stetson
Genres: Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5379 Read Count: 4046
[Report This] Published: 07/06/11 Updated: 07/06/11
The Season of Giving by aharey Rated: Family [Reviews - 0]
Summary: This is my response to the December 2010 Challenge to write a story including these six words: STOCKINGS, YULETIDE, SEASON,HOLLY, HOLY, and SCENT, along with the phrase,THERE'S MISTLETOE HANGING ABOVE YOUR HEAD. It takes place in the 3rd season.

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and words of praise for my other efforts, to Jan and Cheryl for the challenge, and to everyone for making me feel welcome here in the Gutter!

Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Dotty West, Jamie King, Joe King, Lee Stetson, Phillip King
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1957 Read Count: 5111
[Report This] Published: 12/12/10 Updated: 12/12/10
Shadows Fall by aharey Rated: Teen [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Changes come that threaten to disturb the Stetson-King world. Takes place after the series ended. Follows my story, Independence Day.
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Beaman, Billy Melrose, Dotty West, Francine Desmond, Jamie King, Joe King, Lee Stetson, Phillip King
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Tissues
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 14988 Read Count: 53657
[Report This] Published: 19/03/11 Updated: 31/03/11
Reckless Abandon by aharey Rated: Teen [Reviews - 1]

Lee and Amanda, along with the new team in the Q Bureau, are in the midst of creating a security plan for the Hungarian delegation. Will they be able to keep the new democratic president and his delegation safe? This story follows my story, Shadows Fall.

Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Beaman, Billy Melrose, Dotty West, Francine Desmond, Jamie King, Lee Stetson
Genres: Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 27135 Read Count: 134579
[Report This] Published: 14/04/11 Updated: 04/05/11
Season of Change by aharey Rated: Teen [Reviews - 1]
Summary: The Stetsons and their family and friends navigate the Christmas season after the many changes, good and bad, they've dealt with in recent months. Follows my story, Reckless Abandon.
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Characters: Amanda King, Beaman, Dotty West, Francine Desmond, Jamie King, Lee Stetson, Phillip King
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 20955 Read Count: 71466
[Report This] Published: 09/07/11 Updated: 03/08/11
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