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December 1975

It was the first Christmas in their new house. Things had gotten so much better since Joe finished law school and passed the bar exam. He got a job right away with the Emergency Aid Organization. When he talked the offer over with her, he said that the EAO was helping people. He would be able to see the results of his work. She agreed that it was a wonderful opportunity and it allowed them time together as a family. He was in the main office in Washington. He came home to her every night.

 A small sound made her look over at her newest son in the bouncy seat. James King was born right around Thanksgiving, an appropriate time for a birth. Joe had been thrilled and right by her when she had given birth. They had decided to try the natural childbirth method. They took Lamaze classes and learned how to breathe. The doctor placed Jamie in her arms immediately after his birth, and then Joe was able to hold him. Once he graduated and got a job, Joe was the doting father she always knew he would be.

This Christmas would be the best one ever. She had decorated the tree with her toddling son in mind. Felt and wood ornaments were on the bottom while her good glass and crystal ones were higher out of Phillip’s reach.

Joe had called earlier and said that he had big news, something about an opportunity at the EAO. Amanda smiled to herself and picked Jamie up. She sat down on the couch to feed him. She loved the connection she felt with both of her sons and knew that Joe was feeling it too. He’s been so happy lately. They finally had a home together.

She went up to the nursery and put Jamie in his crib for a nap. Phillip was asleep for at least another hour. She had time to take a bath. While she wasn’t cleared make love yet, they could get by with other activities. She luxuriated in the warm water and bubbles. When she thought about her future she imagined this home and her family.

“Amanda?” She heard Joe’s voice coming from downstairs. She got out of the tub quickly and raced to the top of the stairs.

“Shhhh… the kids are asleep.” She admonished him as he climbed the steps.

Joe’s eyes lit on her body barely covered by a towel. “Hmmm…You mean we’re alone for a few minutes?”

“Probably very few right now.”

“I’ll do my best to make up time.” He whispered as he pulled her into their bedroom and shut the door. He took her into his arms and began to kiss her as her towel hit the floor.

“Mommy!” Phillip cried. “Mommy!”

Amanda’s head came down on Joe’s shoulder. “I’ll get him.” Joe offered. “You better get dressed or I’ll have no control of myself.”

She smiled and gave him a kiss. “Thanks.”

As she pulled on clothes, she couldn’t help but think that life couldn’t get any better than this.

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