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October 1977

          Amanda worked Phillip into his lion costume. It took her two weeks to make both the boy’s costumes. She supplemented the cloth mane with yarn to make it fuller.  “What does a lion say, Phillip?”

          “Roar, Mommy, Roar.” Phillip demonstrated a roar for her.

          “Very good, Sweetheart.” Amanda hugged him close.

          Jamie toddled over in his bear costume holding his arms up to be picked up. “Mamma, Mamma, Mamma.”

          “Jamie, what does a bear say?”


          “Good boy.” She added Jamie into the hug. She was so proud of her boys. They were growing up so fast. She might be biased, but she thought they were very smart. They all seemed to bask in the simple pleasures of sharing a book, finger painting or snuggling on the couch. How could Joe not want to be a part of this?

          Her mother bustled into the room. “The candy is in the bowl and the pumpkin is carved and outside. Are the boys ready?”

          “I think so. Are you sure you don’t mind giving out the candy while I take the boys?”

          “Of course not, Darling. Anything I can do to help.” Dotty picked Jamie up and gave him a hug. “Are you ready to go?”

          “We gonna twick n’ tweet, Momma?” Philip asked.

          “Yes, Sweetheart. “

          Amanda took the hands of each of the boys and walked them outside. She placed them in their red wagon and pulled them to the neighbors. Children’s shouts filled the air as kids ran across the street to each house. Her first stop was the Ferguson’s house. Betty and Ralph had welcomed her to the neighborhood when she and Joe moved into the house. Her mother mentioned that Betty wanted to see the boys’ costumes. They walked around the neighborhood, stopping at friends’ houses. The boys were getting tired and fussy when Amanda reached her front door and picked up both boys to take them into the house.

          “Here let me take one of them.” An achingly familiar voice said from behind her.

          “Joe?” She turned quickly. “Joe, you’re home! Oh Sweetheart, you’re home early.”

          Her husband took Jamie from her arms and gave her a long kiss. “I missed you.”

          “I missed you too. So much.” They walked into the house. “Mother, Joe’s home.”

          “She left.”


          “She took my cab home. She said something about needing time together as a family.” Joe said walking upstairs with her and the boys. “Let’s get these ferocious beasts to bed.”

          A very sleepy Phillip opened his eyes and looked at Joe. “Hi Daddy.”

          “Hi son.” Joe leaned in a kissed him.

          “Welcome home.” Phillip’s voice was sleep as his head rested on Amanda’s shoulder. She smiled when Joe looked at her.

          Amanda whispered. “He’s missed you too. He’s been practicing that for when you got home.”

          They managed to put the boys into their pajamas and got them into bed. Joe took Amanda’s hand and led her into their bedroom.

          Joe took her into his arms and gave her a long kiss. “Hmmm, you feel wonderful.” He said running his hands over her back. “I need to take a shower. I’ve been up for two days trying to make it home.”

          Amanda walked across the room to get Joe’s robe. “How long are you home?” She asked hesitantly.

          Joe smiled “Until January.”

          She straightened up. “You’re home for the entire holiday season?” She ran into his arms. “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy.”

          He gave her a kiss and walked into the bathroom. She heard the shower start and began undressing. She put on her favorite negligee and began to light candles in the room.

          Jamie cried for her. She sighed and moved into his room. Standing in his crib peaking over the rail, he smiled when he saw her and held up his arms. Smiling back at him, she picked him up and rocked him while singing softly. Seeing that he had fallen back to sleep, she laid him carefully in his crib and walked across the hall to her bedroom.

When she walked back into the bedroom her eyes went to the bed and saw that Joe was sound asleep. Amanda huffed out a soundless laugh. “Only us.” After blowing out the candles, she crawled into bed and turned out her light.

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