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June 1977

         “No! Absolutely not!” Amanda voice carried clearly in the quiet of the house. “I am not going to pack the boys up and move to Africa!”

          “It’s a way we can all stay together. It would be a great learning opportunity for the boys. They would be able to learn new cultures and languages. You would be within the Embassy compounds in each of the countries we live in. You and the boys will be safe.”

          Amanda looked at him. “In a country beset with famine? Are you serious? No.”

          “Amanda, you are not being reasonable.” Joe was using his lawyer voice on her. She hated that.

          “I’m being perfectly reasonable. I have the health and safety of our children to consider.”

          Joe’s face took on a red hue.  “And I don’t have their safety in mind? Or yours?”

          “If you did, you wouldn’t keep leaving home.” Amanda pointed out reasonably.

          “This is an opportunity to help people directly. I’ve sat on the sidelines and let others do the work I want to do so that I can stay home with you.”

          “You haven’t been home with me. You’re gone so much.” She winced at her words but she couldn’t pull them back. She had been holding them in for too long.

          “Look, this first assignment is between four and six weeks. Maybe, I’ll hate it and refuse the permanent assignment.” He walked over to her and took her in his arms. She stiffened and tried to back away. Not allowing her to leave, he kissed her lightly. “It’ll be okay. You’ll see. Why don’t you ask your mother to stay for a while? You know how she’s constantly complaining about rattling in the house all alone.”

          She pushed away from him and walked across the room. “I’m sure she would love to stay with us.” Amanda said sarcastically running her hand over her hair. “Since you have made up your mind, when do you have to leave?”

          “Next week.” Joe looked down at his shoes.

          “Next week? How is that possible? Don’t you have to get visas and shots?”

          “I got them all already.”

          “How long has this been in the works?” He didn’t answer her. “Joe! Answer me! How long have you known about this trip?” Amanda refused to back down.

          He sank to the bed. “They asked me about it two months ago. I decided to start the prep work before talking to you.”

          “So you were planning on going no matter what I said.”

          “Don’t say it like that Amanda.” Joe’s voice was now pleading.

          “Our anniversary is next week.” Amanda whispered quietly.

          “I know. We’ll celebrate early.” Looking across the room at her, he rose off the bed. “I need to go into the office for a while. Are you going to be okay?”

          “Of course. Aren’t I always?”

          “That’s my girl. I’ll be back later.”

          Amanda sat on the bed and looked at the ring her father gave her. The initial ‘A’ glittered back at her. Her father had always wanted her to remember who she was. Shame made her face flush. She had forgotten that she was Joe’s wife, but she was also Phillip and Jamie’s mom. Where should her priorities be? No answer came immediately to mind.

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