[Reviews - 1] Printer
Summary: Changes come that threaten to disturb the Stetson-King world. Takes place after the series ended. Follows my story, Independence Day.
Rated: Teen
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King Characters: Amanda King, Beaman, Billy Melrose, Dotty West, Francine Desmond, Jamie King, Joe King, Lee Stetson, Phillip King
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Tissues
Challenges: None
Series: Resolute Strength Universe
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 14988 Read: 53657
Published: 19/03/11 Updated: 31/03/11

1. Chapter One by aharey [Reviews - 1] (2064 words)

2. Chapter Two by aharey [Reviews - 0] (3094 words)

3. Chapter Three by aharey [Reviews - 0] (3055 words)

4. Chapter Four by aharey [Reviews - 0] (2679 words)

5. Chapter Five by aharey [Reviews - 0] (2097 words)

6. Epilogue by aharey [Reviews - 0] (1999 words)

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