Rated: Teen
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King Characters: Amanda King, Lee Stetson
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes
Word count: 15844 Read: 60800
Published: 06/12/09 Updated: 06/12/09
You can use the words, or line, as many times as you want but you must use them at least once in your story.
Please CAPITALIZE the words/line in order to make them stand out.
The words/line must be EXACTLY as noted in the challenge.
Your submission can be of any length, from a line to a full-length story - and it can be SMK, B5 or anything else.
1. Little Scarecrow - Jennifer C by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (3458 words)
2. Amanda, Mistress of the Night? - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1520 words)
3. Hallowe'en Aftermath - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1277 words)
4. Disappearing Stars - Jan by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (102 words)
5. Halloween Scare - Denny by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (200 words)
6. Amorous - Cheryl by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (100 words)
7. Halloween Aftermath 2 – The Ravaging Beast - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1380 words)
8. The Lycan Experiment - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (3140 words)
9. Imagination - Sue by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1551 words)
10. Boo Bash - Cheryl by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (3116 words)