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Summary: 2009 Halloween Challenge
Rated: Teen
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King Characters: Amanda King, Lee Stetson
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes
Word count: 15844 Read: 60800
Published: 06/12/09 Updated: 06/12/09
Story Notes:
This month we’re setting a Halloween challenge. We’ve got two choices for you. We have 20 words for you and you’ll need to use at least TEN of them, OR we have a line for you to use. The words are: MIST, RAIN, SOFT, SPIDER, BAT/BATS (the animal), NIGHT, MOON, BROOM, SPOOKY, HAUNTED, VAMPIRE, GHOST, CANDLE, CAT, PUMPKIN, BLACK, ORANGE, CANDY, WITCH, COSTUME. The line is: A SCREAM PIERCED THE NIGHT.

You can use the words, or line, as many times as you want but you must use them at least once in your story.

Please CAPITALIZE the words/line in order to make them stand out.

The words/line must be EXACTLY as noted in the challenge.

Your submission can be of any length, from a line to a full-length story - and it can be SMK, B5 or anything else.

1. Little Scarecrow - Jennifer C by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (3458 words)

2. Amanda, Mistress of the Night? - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1520 words)

3. Hallowe'en Aftermath - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1277 words)

4. Disappearing Stars - Jan by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (102 words)

5. Halloween Scare - Denny by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (200 words)

6. Amorous - Cheryl by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (100 words)

7. Halloween Aftermath 2 – The Ravaging Beast - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1380 words)

8. The Lycan Experiment - Charlie by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (3140 words)

9. Imagination - Sue by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (1551 words)

10. Boo Bash - Cheryl by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (3116 words)

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