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Story Notes:
This story is for the soul purpose of entertainment. No
infringements intended. The characters belong to Warner Brothers and Shoot the Moon Productions.

It takes place after the series airing. The marriage is a mystery no more.
The day was finally over and the two occupants of the car heading
toward Arlington couldn't be happier. It had been a grueling day
meetings, stakeouts, even a chase involving an unreliable source,
and the ever-dreaded paper work that seemed to multiply
exponentially each time they left their office. Both were silent on
the way home, taking time to let the day's events slip away. Their
joined hands were the only visible connection between the two.

Amanda sighed as she leaned back against the headrest. "Tired?" Lee
asked as he glanced over at her.

She smiled and replied, "Not really, I'm just enjoying the peace and
quiet for a change."

Lee chuckled and gently squeezed her hand. "Yeah, it was a pretty
rotten day but at least it's finally over and we have a long
weekend. Maybe now we can enjoy a quiet evening with our family."

"Well, I'm not so sure about that. Remember, tonight is
Parent Teacher Night. We promised the boys we would go to see their
presentations. Besides, I want to talk with Phillip's math teacher
and make sure he is doing as well as he thinks he is. And Matthew
– well let's just hope his tooth has finally cut through or we'll
all have another sleepless night."

Lee chuckled once again. Parenting was something that he was slowly
getting used to. He had finally gotten a handle on Phillip –
something to impress upon him the importance of homework and good
grades. Unbeknownst to Amanda, he sat down one night with Phillip
and had a long talk. Amanda had been upset because Phillip's
grades were slipping further down with each grading period. She
suspected that it was because of his newfound interests – sports and
girls, and not necessarily in that order. She had tried a number of
things but nothing seemed to work. That was when Lee stepped in and
in a very quiet, non-confrontational manner, he told Phillip a story
that finally got through to him. Lee relayed to the boy a very
painful memory from his childhood.

Lee had been a star pitcher on his high school baseball team during
his sophomore year, something he was very proud of. Of course, he
let his newfound talent and success go to his head. He had only
been at this particular school for 3 months before trying out for
the team and he was thrilled to be chosen. Not many sophomores made
the first team. His success on the ball field and his stunning good
looks caused his popularity to rise and he was sought after by every
girl in school. His success on the field continued but his academic
achievement suffered because he, of course, felt compelled to date
each and every girl who showed an interest in him.

When the district tournament rolled around, the coach was forced to
bench Lee because of his poor academic achievement. And, without
his pitching, the team was eliminated in the first round of
playoffs. Of course, he alone was not solely responsible for the
team's demise, but Lee felt it was his fault and he believed he
let his team members down. Shortly after that, Lee's uncle
announced that they would once again be moving to another air force
base. That was one move Lee could not wait to happen. He made a
promise to himself on that day that he would never again let down
the people he cared for.

That little talk and the fact that Lee made a conscience effort to
sit down with Phillip most evenings and help with his homework had
caused quite a change in Phillip's attitude. Jamie even joined
in these study sessions although his grades were fine. He enjoyed
talking with Lee about current affairs and was impressed that Lee
was actually a part of so much history as he put it. Jamie had to
do report on JFK including the effects on the nation. Lee conveyed
to Jamie his reaction to hearing the news, recalling exactly where
he was and what he was doing at the time.

Then there was little Matthew – normally a happy-go lucky baby
who never seemed to cry unless he was overly tired, needed changing
or was hungry. However for the past several nights (and days, too
from Dotty's updates) happy little Matthew had been anything but.
Lee was terribly concerned because there seemed to be nothing and no
one able to soothe the fretful baby. This was his first encounter
with this unusual behavior from his son. It was Lee who had
suggested taking him to the doctor to see if anything major was
going on. The doctor reaffirmed Amanda's diagnosis that indeed,
their son was cutting teeth and would be cranky for several days
until the teeth were able to cut through. He did offer some
medication that he hoped would make the teething process a little
less stressful for both the parents as well as the baby.

Pulling into the drive brought his thoughts back to the present. He
shut off the car and pulled Amanda into his arms for a brief
kiss. "Well, I for one am glad we are home. Nothing could
possibly be worse than the day we've had."

Exiting the car, Lee headed around to the other side to open her
door and extended his hand to her. "Let's hope you're
right, sweetheart," she replied as he helped her from the car. Hand
in hand the entered the back door of their home. What greeted them
took them both by surprise. The chaos of their office was nothing
compared to the pandemonium taking place in the kitchen and den.

They stood frozen in place trying to make sense of the mayhem coming
from within. All parties were speaking at once so it was hard to
tell exactly what was going on. Their voices were trying to rise
above the wails of a crying infant.

"Oh, good, you're both finally home. Let me tell you about
the day I've had," stated an exasperated Dotty as she placed the
squirming infant in his playpen. "First of all this little one
decided that he didn't like those new lima beans you bought. So
after he had his mouth full, he proceeded to spit them out all over
his high chair and the wall. Well, I went to the sink for a dishrag
and before I got back to him, he dumped the entire dish on the
floor. Lima beans splattered everywhere. It took me over an hour
to clean up the awful mess," she lamented."

"Give it back, dorkface!"

"No, you give it back. It's mine and I told you, you couldn't wear

The boys were fighting over a waded up sweater on the wrong end of a
tug of war battle. It took a few minutes for the boys to realize
that their parents had arrived home, but when they did, they took
their battle to their bewildered parents.

"Mom, I wanted to wear this sweater tonight but dorkface here
says I can't," Phillip whined.

Jamie jumped right in on his heels but not before Amanda joined in
the conversation. "Phillip, how many times have I asked you not
to call your brother names?"

"Hi Mom, Hi Lee. Glad you guys are home. Now can you tell
Phillip to give me back my sweater? Just because he lost his doesn't
mean he can take mine!"

Squeals were coming from the youngest member of the household. At
the moment, it wasn't clear if they were squeals of delight or
misery. Since Matthew had found his voice, he often found ways of
sharing it at the top of his lungs.

"What do you mean he lost his sweater? Phillip, how did you lose
your sweater?' she asked as she reached down to pick up Matthew
from his playpen.

"Edna Gilstrap called this afternoon asking if I would be able to
join her bridge club for this evening. Their team is in the
tournament in Richfield. They are desperate for a fourth player
since Ada Gomez had to leave to take care of her ailing mother and
I'm the alternate for their team. I told her I didn't think
I'd be able to since you all were going to the Parent Teacher
conference, but she said she'd hold a place for me just in case.
They are planning to go tonight and scope out the tables. Edna
feels it will give her some sort of advantage. Anyway, they are
leaving at 7:30," Dotty rambled on, seemingly oblivious to the other
conservations taking place. "I told them I probably just drive up
in the morning and meet them at the hotel before the tournament
begins," she added.

"Hey mom, what's for supper? I'm starving and we hafta leave for
school soon," Phillip chimed in.

"Oh, Mom," Jamie piped up, "Dad called earlier and said
that he and Carrie would be able to make it after all, so they plan
to meet us at school. They also wanted to know if we could just go
on home with them tonight since we don't have school tomorrow and
they are gonna take us to the ball game. Dad said it would give us
a head start on the weekend's activities. Is that okay?"

Lee could stand it no longer. He had to find a way to stop the
cacophony exploding within his own house. Raising his fingers to
his lips, he blew a sharp whistle. Suddenly silence permeated the
room. Five sets of eyes all turned toward Lee. Matthew wasn't
sure what had happened but since he was held tightly in his mother's
arms, he decided the noise wasn't so scary. Instead he began to
giggle. "Da da da da da," he chortled reaching out his
chubby little toward his beloved daddy. Taking Matthew into his
arms, Lee began dealing with the problems at hand.

"Now let's see if we can't resolve some of these issues
here. First of all, since Joe and Carrie will be able to attend the
conference tonight, I'll stay home with Matthew. Dotty, that means
you can call Edna Gilstrap and tell her she has her fourth for the
game. Next, Phillip you will give Jamie back his sweater. We'll
talk about your missing sweater some other time." Turning to his
wife he asked, "Amanda, do you mind if the boys stay with Joe
tonight?" She shook her head no; still somewhat in awe at the way
her husband was handling the situation. "Okay, then boys, you need
to head upstairs and get your things together for this weekend and
get changed for the conference." Seeing their joint protest
beginning, he quickly cut them off. "No, you are not wearing jeans
to the Parent Teacher Conference tonight. Go put on some dress
slacks and Phillip, you can wear that green sweater Aunt Lillian got
you for Christmas, since you managed to loose your favorite one.
Now, Amanda, you go up and change or help the boys pack while
Matthew and I tend to supper."

For a moment everyone just stared. "Is there a problem?" he
asked as a smile began to form on his face. Seeing no response from
the crowd, he laughed saying, "Well, then, get going!"

The pandemonium began again as they all began speaking at the same

"Oh, Lee, you don't have to stay home. I don't mind watching
Matthew. I know how much you were looking forward to meeting with
the boys' teachers," Dotty said.

"Dotty, I don't mind at all. You've looked after `Mr. Lima Bean'
here all day long. I don't mind at all staying home with him,
especially since he seems to be in a better mood" he said as he
tickled his son. Matthew squirmed happily in his arms.

At the same time, Phillip and Jamie headed up the stairs shouting
whoops of joy as they thundered up the stairs.

"Lee, are you sure you don't mind staying home? I know the
boys are looking forward to having you there. We could take Matthew
with us and Mother could still go to her bridge game."

"That's not a very practical idea with the way Matthew's
been acting lately. He's had a pretty hard time of getting those
teeth to come in. He seems pretty happy right now but maybe that's
just the medicine kicking in. He could get pretty cranky in a bit
and that would do nothing but spoil everybody's evening. Besides,
Joe is going to be there and it's his place to be there for the
boys. I know that means a lot to them since they don't get to spend
enough time with him. I'm glad they'll be able to spend the weekend
together. Besides, I did meet their teachers at the last PTA
meeting. Well, all but Phillip's algebra teacher. And, I helped
them with their projects, so it's okay."

Amanda reach up and placed a soft kiss on his mouth. As she gently
rubbed the back of her baby's head, she smiled at her husband and
said, "You know, you're a very special man and I love you."

"Mmmm, that goes both ways, Mrs. Stetson. Now why don't you
go see what the troops are up to upstairs and we will begin dinner,
he said as he lifted his young son above his head causing Matthew to
giggle with delight. "Pepperoni or Sausage?"

"You did always know the way to a woman's heart." She laughed as she
poked him gently in the ribs and headed towards the stairs. She
turned giving him a mock salute. "You know, if I didn't know
better, I'd have sworn it was the Colonel standing there dishing
out orders to everyone."

His eyes grew wide as he contemplated her statement and shuddered
with horror until he saw the twinkle in her eyes. "I'll get
you for that," he exclaimed as he shook his finger at her.

"Promise?" she asked wiggling her brows.

"Oh, yeah – that's a promise."

Lee placed Matthew in his high chair and gave him a teething
cookie. Next he ordered the pizzas, deciding on three, since Jamie
and Phillip could just about eat one each themselves. Then he began
pulling out the makings for a salad only because he knew Amanda
frowned on anything but a balanced meal for dinner. Before anyone
came back downstairs, he had the salad prepared and the table set.
All that was needed now was his family and the pizzas.

Looking over at his youngest son, Lee was once again amazed at the
turns his life had taken. If anyone had told him he would one day
be married and a father, he would have laughed. But now, looking at
his tiny son, who somehow managed to get more of the cookie on his
face and in his hair than into his mouth, Lee knew there was no
place else he would rather be.

Lee was still amazed by this family who had taken him in and given
him so much love in return. He was often stunned by the fact that
they could all talk at once yet still follow the different
conversations going on about them. Such was the case around the
evening's dinner table. Each member was excitedly talking about
the evening ahead and the weekend's activities. As Lee fed the last
of the applesauce to Matthew, the time had come for all to depart.
Dotty's ride pulled up just as Phillip and Jamie took their bags
out to the car. They ran back into the house long enough to holler
their goodbyes and ran back out to the car. Amanda bent down to
kiss her youngest goodbye. Since now he was covered with applesauce
as well as the congealed cookie, she opted for kissing the top of
his head, offering, "Now you be a good boy for Daddy, okay?"
Matthew smiled up at her and she saw in him his father's dimples.

Looking over at Lee she said, "You be a good boy, too. I promise
to make this up to you."

Giving her a leering grin, he replied, "In that case, I'll be
very, very good."

"Well, pal, I guess it's just me and you for the evening.
How about we get this kitchen cleaned up and then we get you into
the bath tub."

Matthew was busy playing with several toys Lee placed on his high
chair. Lee talked to him as he put away the salad and remaining
pizza slices. "See, I told you the boys could eat a whole pizza
themselves." He wrapped the remaining three slices and started
to put them in the freezer but opted instead for the
refrigerator. "Perhaps that can be a late night snack, since I
won't have to fight Phillip or Jamie for it." He was
flabbergasted at the size of their grocery bill wondering how larger
families were able to keep growing teenagers fed. Of course, Lee
chuckled to himself, they weren't only feeding their two boys but a
horde of their friends as well. "That's okay, though, right
Matthew? I'm glad they have friends who feel comfortable coming over
to the house." Thinking about all the things that teenagers could
get into, he was glad the boys and their friends had someplace to
hangout where there was some adult supervision. Dotty and sometimes
he and Amanda were almost always there when the boys came home from
school. He was even glad that little Matthew had Dotty to look after
him rather than being one of twenty kids in a day care facility.

With the food all put away, the turned his attention to the dishes.
Since there weren't many, he decided he would just wash them
rather than put the in the dishwasher. After all, the felt he could
handle several glasses, bowls, and Matthew's divided dish plus a
couple of sippie cups. However, before he could begin the dishes,
Matthew began to protest. He had had enough of sitting in his high
chair and he wanted out.

"Okay, sport, hang on a minute," Lee tried to cajole him as
he lifted him out of the high chair. He had long since shed his
coat and tie but he still had his dress shirt on. Shrugging his
shoulders, he decided whatever Matthew had all over him would
probably wash out of his shirt. Lovingly he picked up the little
boy and held him slightly over his head. Laughing, he said, "You
are one big mess. Let's get you upstairs to the bathtub."

Upstairs, he ran the water and sat down on the commode while he
undressed his son. "I'm not sure how much of your dinner
actually makes it to your belly. You seem to be wearing most of
it," he teased his son. After testing the water, he gently sat
Matthew down inside the safety seat and placed some toys in the
water. "Now you stay out of trouble for a few minutes while Daddy
changes his clothes." Lee stood and stripped out of his clothes
except his boxers. Making sure Matthew was secure, he stepped
across the hall to the linen closet to place his and Matthew's
clothes in the hamper.

Lee thought about heading to the bedroom to grab a pair of sweats to
put on but decided against it. For one reason, something could
happen to Matthew while he was gone and secondly, from past
experience, he knew he'd probably end up soaked from Matthew's
splashing. So instead he stepped back into the bathroom and sat
down on the floor to enjoy the time with his son.

They played and splashed and had a jolly good time. Matthew loved
the sounds Lee made for his speedboat and airplane. Amidst all the
playing, Lee was even able to wash away the remains of Matthew's
dinner as well as the cookie, which now resembled dried wallpaper
paste. Lee was the only one Matthew allowed wash his hair without
protest. That was because Lee made such a game out of it. Oh, his
Mommy would wash it but she didn't make all the fun sounds and
play with the bubbles like his Daddy did.

After almost an hour of bath time fun, Lee decided it was time to
call it a night for his little playmate. Lee lifted his son from the
tub and wrapped him in a big fluffy towel and headed to the baby's
room. With practiced ease, he quickly dried him, applied the baby
powder and diapered him. "Okay, sport, which one will it be
tonight?" he asked the boy as he rummaged through his drawer
looking for a clean sleeper. Pulling out the white one with the
sports balls, he asked, "How's this one?" Matthew squealed with
delight. Lee talked to him about the game Phillip and Jamie were
going to and promised to teach him all about baseball. Gathering
him up in his arms, he continued speaking, "We'll have you playing T-
ball in no time." The baseball talk continued as Lee headed
downstairs to prepare Matthew's evening bottle. Matthew was
beginning to fuss because his father was not moving fast enough.
The microwave finally sounded and Lee tested the milk to make sure
it was not too warm. Handing the bottle to his son he asked, "Is
this what you wanted? Okay, then let's have a story and then get
you to bed." Together they headed back upstairs.

Lee settled into the rocker with Matthew in his lap and pulled out a
storybook to read. Matthew snuggled into his father's chest and
happily suckled his bottle. Lee smiled down into the angelic face
of his son and then began reading the story and gently rocking back
and forth. In no time, both father and son drifted off to sleep.

The soft thud of the book falling on the floor roused Lee from his
nap. His head snapped up from the chair and it took him a moment to
realize his surroundings. He gathered his son and carried him to
his crib. Laying him down, he softly whispered, "Sleep well,
little one. Daddy loves you." He leaned over the crib to place a
tender kiss on Matthew's cheek and tenderly rubbed his belly to
soothe him back to sleep. Taking a moment to make sure Matthew
settled back down, Lee picked up the book, turned off all but the
nightlight and partially closed the door. He stood outside the door
for a bit listening for any sounds of the baby waking. Thinking to
himself he said, `that medicine must have done the trick or he's over
the worst of the teething for now.' Lee didn't even know they had a
medicine for teething babies but Amanda assured him that it would
help take away the pain.

After straightening the bathroom, he headed for their bedroom and
slipped into a pair of well-worn jeans and a t-shirt. He also
slipped on a pair of sweat socks, since his feet were cold.
Satisfied that the upstairs was presentable, he headed back to the
kitchen to do the dishes.

He knew how Amanda felt about a clean kitchen. She wouldn't go
to bed until everything was cleaned and put away. Of course, since
Matthew had come along, she had relaxed her standards, but only a
little. There always seemed to be baby related items on the counter
or in the sink.

Lee ran the sink full of hot water and squirted in the soap. He
glanced around the kitchen to make sure all the dirty dishes were in
the sink. He spotted Matthew's high chair and sighed.
Everything was now dried on the tray and it would take a lot of
elbow grease to get the congealed mess to come clean. Then, he had
a thought. Grabbing the spray bottle of cleaner, he decided if he
sprayed the chair and let it soak while he did the dishes, it
wouldn't be so hard to clean. As he was putting away the cleaner,
he heard the front door open and Amanda call out to him.

He quickly turned off the water in the sink and went to meet
her. "Hi," he said sweetly, "I'm glad you're home."

"It's awfully quiet in here. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. Our son had his bath and now is asleep in his
room and I was just cleaning up the kitchen," he said as he
leaned into kiss her.

"Mmmm maybe I should leave you home more often," she murmured
as she returned his kiss. "Let me go up and change and I'll come
down to help you."

"That's okay, take your time. There aren't many dishes."

He headed back to the kitchen to complete his task. This was
shaping up to be a pretty good evening. After all, it wasn't
every night that the family cleared out leaving just he and his wife
to enjoy each other's company. While it was true that he enjoyed
his family, he missed the time he spent with Amanda before anyone
knew of their marriage. Even though now they didn't have to sneak
around to find time together, time itself was a priceless
commodity. What with work and the boys' increasingly busy schedules
as well as a new baby, the intimacy they once shared had taken a
back seat to life in the real world. He chuckled to himself, `and
you wanted normal, Stetson!'

He cleaned up Matthew's high chair and then plunged his hands
into the soapy dishwater. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear
Amanda come back downstairs. She had changed into an outfit like
Lee's and stopped to check in on the littlest Stetson before heading
back downstairs. The sight before her filled her with love and a
longing for her husband she had not felt in a long time. Before her
stood the mighty Scarecrow up to his elbows in dishwater, softly
humming a tune. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms
around his waist causing Lee to jump.

"Hey, I thought I was the one who always snuck up on you," he
gently admonished.

"Oh, I just wanted to say thank you to the man doing my
dishes," she whispered as she ran her hands up under his t-shirt.

"Mmm that feels good," he replied. "So, how did everything go
tonight?" As Lee continued with the dishes, Amanda filled in him
on the conference, all the while caressing his chest and pressing
her body seductively against him.

"So, is Phillip's math teacher really the fox he says she
is?" "Oww," he replied after she teasingly pinched his
left nipple in response to his question. "You know, that's the
reason he's doing better in Algebra. I know I always did better in
school when I had a good-looking teacher. I sure paid more
attention that way."

"I'll just bet you did," she said as she moved her hands
into the front pockets of his jeans. "Now, what did you and Matthew
do all night?"

Lee tried as best he could to tell her about his evening but she was
distracting him by slowly stroking his penis. "Uh, Amanda, what
are you doing?" he asked breathlessly.

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked enjoying the effect her
actions her having on her husband. She removed her hands from his
pockets only to unbutton and slowly unzip his jeans. Next she
pushed his jeans and boxers lower on his hips.

"Nnno," he stuttered, "please don't stop. That feels sooo good."
Lee picked up one of Matthew's bottles from the soapy water as
Amanda's hand closed around his flesh. When she gave him a firm
squeeze, Lee reflexively did the same with the bottle and it flew up
in the air before landing with a clatter back in the sink.

Continuing to stroke him, she whispered seductively, "Good thing
that was plastic."

"Yeah," was all Lee could mutter. By now, he was hot and hard.
Amanda continued to work his fevered flesh and caress his balls
while her body pressed intimately against his.

He was getting close to the edge. "Amanda." It was but a
whisper on his lips. "Oh God, oh yeah, just like that."

Knowing he was close she decided to give him a brief moment to
recover. After all, she didn't want things to end too quickly.
As she pulled her hands away, she heard him utter a soft groan of
protest. She lifted the T-shirt up his back and began planting wet
kisses along his shoulders. Her arms traveled down his until they
reached the water. "You know I did tell you I'd help. I just want
to give you a little incentive."

Although he wasn't really sure how it happened, all the dishes
were done, so he let out the water, rang out the dishcloth and
turned to gather the woman he loved into his arms. "With that kind
of incentive, I just might do the dishes every night," he chuckled
as he leaned forward to kiss her.

Before their lips could connect, Amanda fell to her knees taking
Lee's jeans and boxers with her. Before he could react, Amanda
took him into her mouth. Lee could only suck in a breath as he felt
her tongue glide over his throbbing flesh. Lee was torn between
wanting her to continue and wanting to pull her up his body so he
could have his way with her. He reached down for her but she eluded
his grasp. After several tries, he finally gave himself up to the
enjoyment his wife was giving.

Amanda teased his flesh, licking and sucking, nibbling and blowing
warm air on the places she had just kissed. Lee almost lost it when
she sucked one of his balls into her mouth. He gripped the edge of
the counter trying his best to fight the urge to let go. His legs
trembled with the effort. Not quite able to think clearly, he
finally responded to Amanda's assistance that he lift his foot so
she could remove his leg from the confines of his jeans. He closed
his eyes to simply let himself enjoy the ministrations of his lovely

She nibbled on his shaft, licking up one side then down the other
but carefully avoided the tip. Her fingers wandered his length and
caressed his sack. She kissed the sensitive skin of his lower
belly. She was driving him wild but she steadfastly skipped over
the one area he wanted her to touch. Then, without warning, she
stopped. A cross between a moan and a sigh escaped his lips.

He opened his eyes to question why she stopped. What he saw caused
his breath to catch in his throat. He was incapable of speech and
could only watch in amazement.

Amanda sat before him with a wicked twinkle in her eye. She met his
gaze and then fixed her eyes on his pulsating member drawing his
eyes to her target. She slowly licked her lips as she watched a
crystal drop ooze from the tip. Her lips trembled in anticipation
and her tongue darted out to sweep her bottom lip. She waited.

He watched.

She waited, watching, as the drop grew larger.

He saw the hunger in her eyes. She looked like a wild animal ready
to pounce on its unsuspecting prey.

Both watched, as the drop grew larger and larger until it began to
drop. Just as it did, Amanda's tongue shot out to capture the
salty/sweet essence. Her tongue circled his tip spreading the
moisture. Lee could watch no longer. His head fell back and
lightly clunked against the cabinet. He dragged in a ragged breath
that sounded more like a hiss.

"Oh my gosh," he uttered as he sucked in an unsteady breath.

Taking him into her mouth she sucked and teased him with her
tongue. Wrapping her hand around the bottom of his shaft, she took
him deeply into her mouth. Slowly she pulled back then took him
again and again and again building in speed and depth. She could
tell by the tightening of his balls and muscles that he was ready to
come. One last time she pulled him deep into her mouth and he
exploded down her throat.

Lee could no longer stand. His legs felt like rubber and since he
was wearing only his socks, he slid to the floor. He looked at his
jeans and boxers wrapped around the bottom of his right leg and he
almost laughed at the comical sight. That is, if he could only get
his breathing under control to laugh. His head fell back against
the cupboard door. It took him several minutes before his breathing
slowed and he was able to open his eyes.

Sitting across from him was his beloved wife looking like the cat
who just swallowed the `proverbial cream'. With a seductive
smile, Amanda reached up to caress his face and then leaned forward
to kiss him. She began gently at first but soon deepened the kiss.
Tasting himself on her tongue caused him to groan deeply within his

"Manda, that..was..wonderful," he exclaimed. "What's
gotten into you tonight?"

The look she gave him was downright sinful as she cattily
replied, "Well, so far..you haven't." Her eyes sparkled

"A..man..da!" Lee replied, shocked to hear that coming from
his wife.

"Come on, I'll race you upstairs. Last one there has to wash
and wax both cars tomorrow." Amanda turned and started for the
stairs, glancing over her shoulder to see if Lee was coming. Rising
to his feet on his still wobbly legs, he began to chase her.
Unfortunately, he forgot about his jeans and boxers still tangled
around the bottom of his right leg. That caused him to pitch
unceremoniously face first onto the floor.

Amanda stopped about half way up the stairs hearing the
commotion. "Lee?" she called. Hearing no response she called out
again, "Lee, are you alright?"

Though he was not hurt, Lee decided to use the ploy to his
advantage. He moaned softly keeping his head down on his arm.

"Oh my gosh!" Amanda exclaimed as she knelt down beside
him. "Sweetheart, are you alright. Tell me where it hurts. Do I
need to call the ambulance?" Quickly she rose from the floor and
started toward the phone.

Noting that she was becoming upset, Lee decided to end the charade
and quickly wrapped his hand around her wrist pulling her down onto
his chest. He began trailing kisses along her neck. Finally
reaching her lips, he muttered, "You're not playing fair,
Mrs. Stetson." You had me at a disadvantage. Why don't you just
help your poor old husband up off this cold tile floor and we can
continue this little charade someplace much…more…comfortable," he
said as he continued tasting her delicate skin. She pulled away
slightly and stood offering her hand. As soon as he was standing,
he kicked off his jeans and pulled her to him. "Thank you," he
paused, stopping only to kiss the corner of her mouth, "for
your.." he moved to the other side, "help…" he touched
his tongue to her top lip, "with the dishes," he finished as he
lightly licked her bottom lip. He pressed his lips fully to hers
enjoying them fully before he demanded entrance with his tongue.

She watched with a building passion as his eyes swept over her
face. His eyelids slowly descended as he leaned forward to capture
her lips. Breathlessly they pulled apart several minutes later.
Amanda was now the one whose legs seemed to refuse to hold her
upright. Lee lifted her into his arms and turned toward the den.
Closing her eyes, she settled against his chest and laid her head on
his shoulder anticipating the ascent upstairs to their bedroom.

Amanda's eyes quickly flew open as Lee began to lower her. They
had only traveled about ten steps. As he settled her into the chair
in the den, she began to chuckle. "What's the matter, sailor?
Did I wear you out?"

His passion filled eyes told the story. "No," he replied in
a deep whisper, "I just couldn't wait." Dropping to his knees,
he pushed her further into the chair. His hands began to worship
her body as his lips set off on a journey of their own. He tenderly
kissed the corner of each eye and then trailed a path of light
kisses to her ear. Taking the lobe into his mouth, he tugged
gently. Working his way down her throat, his tongue flicked over
the pulse beating rapidly near its base.

His hands traveled over her body, igniting her senses with a burning
need. Stopping only long enough to pull up her t-shirt, he rolled
her nipples between his thumb and finger. Using the flat palm of
one hand, he tenderly circled the nipple; the friction causing it to
rise to his touch. His hand closed over the firm globe, pulling
slightly, bringing the turgid flesh to his eager mouth. As he
suckled, Amanda sighed, "Oh..that feels soooo good."

Always willing to please, Lee turned his attention to her other
breast. While his mouth was busy keeping her occupied, Amanda
didn't even feel Lee pull her slightly forward in the chair. He
pulled off both her sweats and panties and tossed them over his
shoulder. His hands were busy wandering over the silky skin of her
thighs. Ever so slowly, he took her right knee and lifted her leg
up over the arm of the chair. His lips trailed down her belly,
softly biting and gently kissing her flesh as he performed the same
action with her left leg.

Lee smiled at the vision before him. Amanda was his for the taking
and he wasted no time in reaching his goal. He began kissing her,
beginning with her knees and slowly making his way toward his
treasure. He wanting nothing more than to return the pleasure she
had given him earlier. He was on a leisurely journey, wanting to
prolong her enjoyment as much as his own. He reached the inside of
her thigh and placed a wet kiss on her heated skin. His fingers
tenderly massaged her legs, reaching under her to grasp her rounded

She was wet and hot and ready for him. Her scent was intoxicating
and Lee was lost in the fragrance. He nudged her mound lightly with
his nose before flicking out his tongue for a taste. From somewhere
came a deep moan. With one finger, he traced a path over her outer
lips before inserting it. His thumb played over her swollen flesh
and Amanda's hips arched to feel him more deeply. Another finger
joined the first and he began stroking her. His tongue caressed her
flesh keeping with the rhythm his fingers provided.

Amanda's head thrashed back and forth. "Oh, sweetheart, oh

Lee could stand it no longer. He could tell she was close by the
way her body clutched at his fingers. Needing them to slow down a
little, he gently removed his fingers and leaned over her body,
stealing her lips in a demanding kiss.

Amanda pulled hard on his tongue; her sucking, mimicking the rocking
of her hips. "Please, Lee..I need you now. I can't wait," she
shuddered against his body.

"In a minute..just let me enjoy you for a time,' he said
hoarsely as his mouth traveled back to her center. He delved his
tongue deep within her and smiled at her reaction of a gasp of
pleasure. He closed his lips over her bud and used his tongue to
tease it before plunging back into her.

"Lee," she called out as the orgasm began to wash over her.

"I know, baby, I know," he said as he reached down to guide
himself to her waiting center. He slid the tip of his manhood along
her lips, teasing her, pleasuring her, tantalizing her. She writhed
before him, wanting the joining that he withheld. Unable to wait
any longer, Amanda reached down and wrapped her arms around Lee's
and pulled him to her. He needed no other encouragement and he
plunged fully into her.

She immediately tightened around him in the throws of an intense and
powerful orgasm. He remained still within her until the waves of
pleasure began to subside. It was at that point that he withdrew
and then plunged back into her. He repeated this action several
times, sinking deeper and deeper each time.

Amanda's hips moved of their own volition, rocking to meet each
of Lee's thrusts and before long, she felt the beginnings of another
orgasm sweep through her body. Just as she was about the scream out
with pleasure, Lee's lips captured her mouth. As she writhed
beneath him, he increased the speed of his thrusts until he could
hold back no longer.

"Oh…god…Amanda," he shuttered as he emptied himself deep within
her. He fell silent except for his labored breathing.

Amanda's chest was also heaving as she tried to pull in gulps of
air. Her legs had dropped off the arms of the chair during the last
part of their encounter. She was too weak to move and simply held
onto Lee reveling in the pleasure they had just shared.

It was several moments before either began to stir. Lee lifted his
head to look into the eyes of his Amanda. He smiled seeing her
dreamy expression and leaned in to tenderly kiss her. "That, my
dear, was fabulous," he whispered placing tender kisses along her

"Yeah, it sure was," she managed weakly.

Lee turned to sit on the floor and gathered Amanda from the chair
onto his lap. "It's been a long time since we did anything like
that," he chuckled.

Beginning to get her breathing back under control, she replied,
"And why is that?"

Smiling seductively at her, he replied, "I dunno, maybe if you
had encouraged me to do the dishes before, this woulda happen a
whole lot sooner."

Dark eyes sparkled as she responded. "Well, you can do the
dishes anytime. Just remember, we normally have a full house. I'm
not sure a repeat performance of tonight would be appreciated by all.

He laughed and began to rise, encouraging her to stand. "Well,
since that's the case, Mrs. Stetson, why don't we take
advantage of our quiet house tonight and move this little adventure
upstairs. He held out his hand to her and turned toward the stairs.

"Just remember, don't tucker yourself out completely. Since
you lost earlier, you have to wash and wax both cars tomorrow."

He stopped and turned toward her. "What do you mean I lost? I

"Uh huh," she answered shaking her head, "and I would
have made it up the stairs first so you lost the bet, Big Fella,"
she said as she lightly jabbed him in the chest. She strutted past
him to head up the stairs.

"You think so, huh? We'll just hafta see about that."
He quickly reached out and grabbed her arm turning her back to face
him. Before she could utter a word of protest, he picked her up and
slung her over his shoulder in a fireman style carry and then
started up the steps.

"Lee, …Lee, put me down," she exclaimed while kicking her
legs and flailing her arms about. He tightened his hold on her legs
to keep her from slipping from her precarious position. She was
dangling upside down; her backside pointing toward the ceiling next
to Lee's ear.

"Amanda, shuss, you'll wake up Matthew," he admonished
giving her beautiful bottom a playful slap.

Shocked, she quieted and stopped fighting him. As he continued up
the stairs, she found her position quite intriguing for her face was
very near Lee's beautiful behind. She marveled at the play of
muscle as he ascended the stairs. She decided two could play this
game and she reached between his legs to gently fondle his sack.

Lee stumbled slightly as he felt his wife's fingers on his
balls. "Amanda, if don't stop that, we're gonna fall down these

"Okay, I promise to be good," she flatly stated but then
muttered under her breath, `for now.'

Lee stumbled again hearing her whispered promise. Finally making it
to top of the stairs, he proceeded first to Matthew's room to
fully close the door. Then he wandered into their bedroom and
closed the door.

After enjoying each other well into the night, it was a safe bet
that neither of the Stetsons would be in any shape to wash and wax
one let alone two cars come morning. Instead, they settled for a
quiet family outing and a visit to Auggie Swan's new business
venture, the Wheely Clean Car Wash.

The end.
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