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Billy’s Case Files

by Ermintrude

See part one for disclaimers

Part 27

Before All the World’s the Stage May 12, 1986

Leatherneck was in his ‘office’—the lab/workroom the Agency provided him for his gadgets and creations. He was working on a new formulation for his chewing gum—this one included a painkiller, but he was having trouble making it taste like anything palatable. “Maybe if I use roast beef or a similar flavor…” He muttered to himself as he pondered the different flavors available to him.

“You could try pizza with all the toppings.” Billy said in response to Leatherneck’s musings.

“Hey, Billy—what brings you down here?” Leatherneck wrote a note on a pad and turned to face the section leader.

“I’m here to ask a favor. An unofficial favor.”

Leatherneck nodded and leaned back against the table. “OK, I’m listening.”

“I would greatly appreciate it if you were able to make time to manage to teach our entry and escape course to an employee in my unit.”

“That’s Beaman’s territory. He’s in charge of the freshman agents.” Leatherneck replied in a slow drawl.

“I know—but this employee isn’t a freshman agent—yet.”

Leatherneck nodded. “I’d be happy to teach Mrs. King—and hell—you don’t even need to cash in a favor. She’s a great lady and a quick learner.”

Billy looked surprised. “How did you know?”

Leatherneck chuckled. “Hell, Billy—everyone knows you’re bucking to get her accepted as a freshman agent candidate.”

“Everyone?” Billy asked a bit bleakly.

“OK, not everyone.” Billy looked quizzical. “OK, not many people at all.” Billy looked intrigued. “OK, maybe just me and a couple other people—and not Francine.”

Billy laughed. “I know all about Francine and Mrs. King—and you’d be surprised—she actually has credited Mrs. King a few times.”

Leatherneck laughed. “That must have hurt.”

“If it isn’t compromising a source—who besides you has figured out what I’m doing?”

Leatherneck paused with an enigmatic look on his face. Then he seemed to make up his mind. “Just me and Ace—her partner. We go out drinking every so often, and the subject always comes up.”

“What does Scarecrow know?”

“Well I wouldn’t say he actually knows anything—but he’s always figured you were the one that made sure she stuck around and kept working in your unit. A couple years ago he was pretty steamed about it. Then last year he asked me to work with her on the firing range—that was before you asked.”

“I see. What else has he asked you to help her out with?” Billy was intrigued.

“He’s had me check her out with ropes and knots—she’s good. That Junior Trailblazer’s course is pretty thorough. I just gave her a few pointers about getting out, and a few new uses for some of the knots she already knew.” Billy nodded. “Then he was going to have me show her orienteering and mapwork—but after their escapade in that swamp—he told me it wasn’t necessary. He sounded a bit exasperated about it. I figured she got the best of him during that one.” He replied with a broad smile.

“Yes—her Junior Trailbalzer’s map was more complete than the Agency issue maps.”

“Yeah—I’ve ordered a full set—that’s a resource we need.”

“Good man. This time I need you to teach her entry and escape. She’s managed to get out of handcuffs a few times already—I think she’ll be a quick study.”

“It should be easy. Not like the firing range.”

“Fortunately, she’s managed to overcome that particular problem. She’s used a weapon in the field more than once—so I expect she will continue to do so. And Scarecrow has started taking her along every month when he qualifies. He tells me she’s accurate at close range—she just doesn’t like shooting at human targets.” Billy shook his head sadly.

“Nobody likes shooting people—unless it’s the bad guys.” Leatherneck grinned.

“Can you teach her—but keep it under the radar? I don’t want this gaining the attention of the higher-ups.”

“You mean Smyth. Yeah—I’ll do it up in that office of theirs. I have a box of practice stuff I can leave up there for her to work on. Do you want me to ‘find’ her a set of lockpicks?”

“Can you keep it off the official inventory?”

“Hey—you wound me to the core! I wouldn’t be worth my salt if I couldn’t manage something like that. Sometimes I think half of my inventory is out on ‘unofficial’ loan.”

Billy smiled. “Just so the equipment is available when we really need it.”

“Let’s just say I have a ‘rainy day’ stash that I draw on from time to time. And I manage to salvage quite a bit from old evidence that’s no longer needed. Cleanout day is treasure day for me. Kind of like an Agency garage sale.”

Billy nodded. “Oh, and by the way—we never had this conversation.”

“Whatever you say. I know how to keep a secret or two. I’ll look up Mrs. King and see if I can set up a schedule—irregular of course.”

“Thanks—I owe you.”

“Like I said—you don’t owe me a thing. Any time spent with Mrs. King is a good time.”

“Just don’t get any ideas man—or you’ll end up in a world of hurt.”

“I hear you—but there are more ways to skin a cat…” At Billy’s stern look he ran down. Then he nodded. “OK—teach her—and nothing else. I get it.”

“Let me know when she’s proficient. Make it verbal—I don’t want a paper trail on this.”

“You never do with these things. Do you think she’ll make agent?”

“I hope so—she’s partnered with Scarecrow and operating like an agent in the field. Why the brass don’t realize that…” Billy caught himself. “But that’s my worry. Thanks—and I still owe you.” He waved and smiled on his way out.

All the World’s a Stage May 12, 1986

Billy was at the door to the Q Bureau. He had just heard the lock engage—and through the door he heard Scarecrow’s voice—very low. “No—not this time.”

He knocked, and tried the door—but he knew he’d not get a response. When Francine came by—he knew he needed to divert her—so he made his way back downstairs to his office.

His mind was still upstairs in the Q Bureau. ‘Good for you Scarecrow—you finally decided to make a move. You two have been dancing around each other since you returned from that swamp. I had hoped that little trip to California might prompt something—but I guess you’re too cautious to try anything when you’re on a case. Or even wrapping up a case. On second thought—being in a plane with four enemy agents is not the time or place to pursue any romance.’

‘So now I have to be on the alert for any rumors about those two dating. There are a few rumors as it is—Scarecrow has stopped his extracurricular activities—and the logical assumption is that he’s dating his partner. But up to now—it’s been just a rumor, with no truth behind it. Now there’s going to be something behind it—and I sincerely hope those two are discreet and careful. I don’t want anything that can be traced back in an investigation.’

‘Scarecrow has just had his annual background check, Mrs. King too—so they have almost a full year before they’re up for the routine check again. Unless something happens or they screw something up—they can date and not worry about Agency surveillance. I’ll do my best to extend that timeline a bit. They deserve whatever they can manage for themselves. I hope it works out—if they end up breaking up—that might be a sticky situation—but they’re adults and professionals. They’re also partners—so I think things will progress well. Good luck you two—you’ll need it.’

June 8, 1986

Billy read the message Amanda sent from Bern, at the conclusion of her latest courier assignment.

“Packages successfully delivered to associates in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin and Bern. Boarding plane bound for home.”

Billy smiled. Another courier job successfully executed by Amanda King. ‘I knew she had it in her. It just took a while for her to become comfortable with the idea. This is the sixth assignment she’s successfully completed since the Chamberlain case. All she needed was someone to believe in her abilities. She’s advanced so much in this past year. She’s overcome her reluctance to use a weapon—she’s become confident and decisive—and she rambles a lot less than she used to. Unless she’s nervous or trying to distract a suspect. And she can successfully execute a mid- to high-level courier assignment flawlessly. Finally.’

‘Now all I need to do is to get her into the agent candidate training program—because she’s operating like a full agent as it is—she has from the beginning—but now she has the confidence, knowledge and skills to back it up. We’re all lucky she’s managed to survive this long—but as she has—I’ll bet she’ll survive almost anything. She’s a lifer for sure—and that’s good for me, for Scarecrow and for the Agency.’

June 28, 1986

“Billy do you have a minute?” Francine poked her head in the door of his office.

“Sure Francine—come on in.”

She settled herself on the chair and looked a bit uncomfortable. Billy waited. And waited. Finally he decided to break the ice.

“You asked for a minute—I presume you have something to say to me.” He smiled pleasantly—whatever it was—a nervous Francine promised something interesting.

“Billy—I know what you’re doing.” She said in a rush.

“Can you give me a clue as to the topic of this conversation?”



“Yes, Amanda. I know you’re trying to get her agent training without Smyth catching on.”

“What makes you think this?”

“I’ve been watching—you have Leatherneck up there all the time—first it was the training with weapons—then it was the ropes and knots—then it was the entry and escape course. You’re having him train her. I’ll admit—you’re being very sneaky about it. If I wasn’t paying such close attention to those two...”

“I see.” Billy waited but Francine wasn’t going to say anything more. “What do you plan to do about it—if your allegation is true?”

She took a big breath, then let it out. It seemed she was coming to a decision. “She needs more—she needs some sort of self-defense training.”

Billy’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. This was unexpected. “What do you propose?”

“Um well—I could take her to my local gym—give her a few pointers…” Francine refused to meet his eyes.

“And just why are you making this offer, Francine? You aren’t one of Mrs. King’s greatest fans.”

“I know. But the woman needs to have some of the basic skills. I mean—she’s fine if there’s a baseball bat or a lamp available…”

“Or a vase.” Billy added reminding Francine of the time Amanda knocked her out with a vase in Lee’s apartment.

“Yeah—whatever.” Francine sounded irritated. “Look—the woman is out there day in and day out—tagging along after Scarecrow and I think she needs to have some self-defense skills. Before she gets herself or her partner—or the both of them—killed.”

“I see.” Billy sat back and pretended to think over Francine’s offer. ‘I’d better be careful driving home tonight because I think pigs just grew wings. Francine is offering to teach Amanda King self-defense. I’d be a fool to pass this offer by. I’d thought about using Leatherneck—but Francine is perfect. First—because she’s a woman and it will be easier for Amanda to start—and second because she can alert Amanda to all the problems—and advantages—a woman has in fighting. I’d thought she’d be against this little program I’ve devised—but it seems Amanda King has managed to bring even Francine Desmond over to her side. And if she needs more—I can move her up to working with Leatherneck later.’ He nodded and replied. “Very well—talk to her and arrange a schedule. I’ll make sure you’re compensated for your time—unofficially of course.”

“Of course. And we’ll just keep this between ourselves, right?”

“Right—we never had this conversation.”

“I’ll deny it—even under torture.” She stood and moved toward the door.

“Francine—“ Billy said as she left. “Thank you—I appreciate this and won’t forget it.”

The woman just nodded shortly and left quickly.

Billy sat back and smiled broadly. ‘That solves a big problem for me. And I’m still in shock. Francine—offering to help train Amanda King. It’s taken almost three years—but she finally accepts that Mrs. King is Scarecrow’s partner. For real and permanent. Maybe I can get her fully trained without Smyth’s stamp of approval.’ He sighed. ‘Well—anything she can get will help—so thank you God—I don’t know what you did to Francine—but thank you just the same.’

August 13, 1986

“Melrose here.” Billy answered his phone.

“Hey Billy, I have a bit of a heads up for you.”

“Jenkins—it’s been a while since you called me.” Billy was wary.

“Yeah—the CIA doesn’t have many dealings with you Agency types. And this is more of a courtesy call than anything.”

“I wasn’t aware the CIA was big on courtesy—especially toward ‘rival’ agencies.”

“Your counterpart here may be a barracuda—but we know each other—we’re on the same side against the bad guys.”

Billy chuckled. “It’s good to hear one of you Langley types actually admit that. So what’s up? Lay it on me.”

“You’ve got an agent—Stetson—codename Scarecrow.”

Billy cringed inwardly. It wouldn’t be the first time that Lee was stepping on jurisdictional toes. “Yes.”

“At first I didn’t think anything of it—but the requests are continuing and now he’s asking for everything about two of our people. Pictures—documents—cases—everything. It’s becoming obvious.”

“Who is he making inquiries about?”

“Matthew Stetson and Jennifer Hamilton Stetson.”

Billy was rocked. Lee’s parents. Why would he be asking for information about them? And now, after all this time? “I see. Has anyone else noticed?”

“Not yet.”

Billy nodded slowly. “Can you accommodate his requests?”

“Under the Freedom of Information Act—sure. It’s all old stuff. They died over 30 years ago. But it’s a lot of stuff. I just thought you’d like to know in case he is on to something.”

“What do you mean?”

“They died under a cloud—possible treason. Double agents during the war. An investigation was starting—but then they were killed in a car crash and it all died down. End of story—closed case—dead end.”

“Thanks for letting me know. Can you do me a favor?”

“Depends.” Jenkins was guarded.

“Would you copy me everything Stetson is getting? Under the table?”

“That I can do. Expect a big packet—eyes only.”

“Thanks, I owe you.”

“Just keep a rein on your man. I don’t want him to come barging in here half-cocked.”

”I’ll keep an eye on him. As far as I know these requests are not connected to any case he’s working on.”

“Sure Billy. Keep your head down.”

“You too, Jenkins. We’ve gotta meet somewhere for a beer and steaks.”

“Yeah—just as soon as we have any free time. Take care, Billy.”

“You too.” Billy hung up the phone. ‘Lee is investigating his parents. I knew they were CIA—but Lee may not know about his mother’s involvement. Well—he will now. And how will it affect him? But more importantly—why the interest now? He’s had years to look into this—why has he waited until now? Could it be Amanda? If they’re dating—she’s gotta be asking questions about his parents. I wonder how much he remembers of them. He was 5 when they were killed. It had to have been rough.’

‘Now I know—so all I can do is be aware and watch out for the man. Hopefully it won’t affect him too deeply. What am I saying?—this will open up a whole can of worms. This time I have to rely on Amanda to keep him on track and in control. Otherwise—things could get hairy.’

‘It will take a while for all this to filter through the chain of bureaucracy—it will be at least a month until it starts arriving. So I have a breather. Things should stay calm between now and then. So I’ll just bide my time and hope he can handle whatever he finds out. And if he can’t—Amanda will be there to pick up the pieces.’
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