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Story Notes:
Disclaimer : I do not own these characters. I do not get paid to entertain or write. This is purely for fun. My hats off to the writers and actors who brought these characters to life.
There’s Something About the Woods

By M.C.Hart


Chapter 1

“There you go Billy,” Lee stated, dropping the thick file onto his section Chief’s desk. “Background checks, surveillance notes, high school records, even a list of all his girlfriends since eighty-one. You name it and we’ve covered it in that file. Amanda even retyped my reports just so you could make heads or tails of them,” he finished smiling.

“Very impressive Scarecrow and it’s not even five yet,” Billy congratulated, turning the file and proceeding to thumb through the material. “Didn’t Amanda come with you? I should thank her personally for saving me a headache,” he teased.

“No, she left early,” he returned, giving Billy a look. He knew the older man was teasing, his typing skills or lack thereof, were renown throughout the office. “She’s taking the boys camping this weekend, we haven’t had any time off in ages. She’s planning on taking advantage of it.”

“I don’t blame her,” Billy agreed with a nod. “I’ve hated running you two around nonstop like this but it couldn’t be helped. Four days off will be good for you. What are you planning on doing with your free time?” he asked with a gleam in his eyes.

“Oh I don’t know,” Lee muttered absently, running a hand quickly through his sandy hair. “I might lay around and watch a game on t.v. or maybe catch up on my reading…”

“Reading?” Billy repeated surprised.

“Yeah reading. I do know how to read you know,” he returned crisply, causing his boss to laugh. “Or I might just get away for a few days,” he continued, not looking at Billy as he eyed the floor as if to shrug the idea off as a passing fancy. “Just jump on a plane and go somewhere, it would be a perfect time to get away from this place.”

“I’m sure it would be,” Billy agreed, waving him off. “Don’t let me hold up your four day weekend,” he muttered looking back down at the file. “I’ve heard the woods are rather nice this time of year.”

Lee stopped short, the office door half opened as he gave his boss a hard look before hurrying out. He left a chuckling Melrose in his wake. ‘How does he do that? Am I that transparent?’ he wondered moving through the bullpen.

Truth to tell he and Amanda had been planning this trip with the boys ever since Billy had mentioned giving them a few days off after they completed the Ramsey case. They had sat up many a night going over different sites and trying to come up with something that would be as exciting for Phillip as well as Jamie.

He still wasn’t sure how to take his youngest stepson. One minute Jamie would be nice to him and the next glaring at him over something Lee hadn’t even realized he had done or said. They were still on shaky ground but it was slowly getting better.

He hadn’t lied to Billy when he had made the comment on catching up with his reading. Ever since his and Amanda’s secret marriage he’d been reading anything and everything he could get his hands on concerning raising kids and fitting into a pre-made family unit. He was trying everything in his power to make this work.

He knew Amanda was pleased with his efforts and he was happy about that, but he wasn’t doing it for brownie points with her. He truly wanted the boys to like him and to make a family out of this crazy situation they found themselves in.

Over the past few months he had been slowly working himself into their lives more and more. Dotty was pleased as punch to have him around almost on a daily basis and Phillip too had mentioned he enjoyed Lee's company and their little talks.

Jamie however was a different matter. Lee could tell he wanted to lower the barriers he’d placed between them, he’d gotten a glimpse of Jamie’s true feelings from time to time, but he knew the boy was scared. He wasn’t ready to let Lee into his heart just yet. It was too unsettling for him to have another man around.

He knew that the boy’s relationship with their father was okay but strained. Joe loved the boys he just didn’t have time to spend with them. As much as Lee thought Joe was making a mistake, he wasn’t the one to point it out to him. Their relationship was tolerable at best. Joe didn’t approve of his choice of careers and resented the fact that he’d gotten Amanda wrapped up in it as well. Despite their assurance that all was well, Joe still worried about Amanda and the possible danger their positions could put the family in.

Lee really couldn’t fault him for that Joe was simply stating what Lee felt in his heart. He worried too, that had been the main thrust behind their secret marriage. He still got a cold chill down his spine when he thought about what happened on their honeymoon trip to California eight months ago. It had taken him ages before he felt remotely comfortable allowing Amanda back out into the field. Even now when things got sticky he always found himself looking out for her safety first and foremost. He just couldn't help it.

The more he thought about the whole situation, the more he realized that she and their family would have the best protection if he was around, not clear across town at his apartment. He could protect them better than any team of agents if the going got tough, now all he had to do was persuade Amanda to his way of thinking.

He was getting tired of playing “Let’s pretend we’re married,” on odd weekends or once or twice a week. He’d been stupid to even consider this would work. He wanted to be with his wife, to wake up in her arms, to kiss her good morning every day.

‘I feel like I’m having a fling,’ he thought disgustedly as he nodded to a passing woman as he walked to his car. ‘It’s like we can only get together when she’s in town and I’m getting tried of this. She’s my wife for Godsakes, not one of my girlfriends! I don’t want to live that lifestyle. I want to be a husband, a father, and I want to be someone’s son-in-law.’

With a sigh he climbed into the vette, then took a deep breath. ‘If everything goes well this weekend, I’m going to talk to Amanda about making me more of a permeate fixture around the house. It’s insane trying to live apart when all I want to do is hold her in my arms.’ “I’m tried of sneaking around,” he breathed, starting the car quickly.

* * *

The King household was a scene of barely controlled chaos when he pulled the vette into the driveway and climbed out. Amanda’s wagoneer was pulled along side the house with piles of what looked like sleeping bags, tents, backpacks and boxes of food scattered along the ground around it.

‘She’s been busy,’ he thought smiling as he made his way through the items and into the opened backdoor. He had stopped by his place, changed out of his suit into jeans, a dark blue tee-shirt, and tennis shoes; threw several items into a carrying bag, then came directly over. It hadn’t taken him ten minutes to pack Amanda on the other hand looked as if she was preparing a trip for an army.

He was nearly rundown by Phillip as he came around the corner, arms laden down with items. They collided, Lee reaching out to steady Phillip’s load quickly with his hands before it all came tumbling down around them. “Hey careful there Phillip, or we’re going to have our first accident before we even leave the house,” he teased.

“Hi ya, Lee,” Phillip greeted cheerfully. “Mom was wondering when you’d get here.”

“I made it.”

“This is going to be so much fun,” Phillip exclaimed as Lee slid to the side allowing him to pass. “I can’t wait to head out.”

Smiling Lee watched the back of his older stepson retreat to the wagoneer and proceeded to add his items to the pile. ‘Man if he’s not getting big,’ he thought, moving into the house.

For being only fourteen Phillip was already as tall as Amanda and starting to fill out into a nice sized, muscular, young man. His voice had gotten deeper last year with the onset of puberty and his interest had moved to a more mature outlook.

He still skateboarded and rode his bike, but he was more into tricks and showing off for the girls then using them as transportation. The phone seemed to ring off the hook anymore with his friends and the wide assortment of girls calling him.

Amanda had thought things were going too quickly, but he had assured her that he had been fourteen once and Phillip wasn’t jumping the gun. Lee had considered having a second phone line installed into the house however due to his inability to get a hold of Amanda at times during the evening because of Phillip’s frequent calls.

Spotting his lovely wife standing in the den amid more boxes of supplies he couldn’t help but smile as he watched her brush a loose lock of hair off her forehead. “Looks like you’re packing for a months stay instead of a few days,” he teased, stepping around the packing.

“You know how those two eat, I’m just taking precautions that we don’t run out of food by tomorrow night,” she returned patting a filled box affectionately. “You don’t seriously want two starving teenagers on our hands and us stuck miles away from civilization and no fast food restaurants.”

He grinned as she gave him one of her brilliant smiles. “No, that wouldn’t be a good idea,” he agreed, glancing around. “I’ve seen them devour your suppers. I would fear for our lives,” he teased, stepping around the last box that blocked her from him.

Wrapping his arms delicately around her slim waist, he pulled her to him abruptly, smashing her flannel and jeans clad torso against his strong body, dropping his face in for a quick but powerful kiss. “Have I ever told you how good flannel makes you look?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

“You’re sucking up Stetson,” she returned, shaking her head and smiling. “That’s not going to get you out of packing the car. I’ve saved that select honor just for you. You’re so good at putting big things into tight spots,” she added wickedly.

“Amanda!” he exclaimed in surprise at what she’d said.

She laughed, smacking his bicep affectionately pulling back from his slack arms. “Get your mind out of the gutter,” she warned lightly, picking up a box and shoving it into his empty hands.

“What else was I suppose to think by the way you said that?” he asked, still giving her a look.

She grinned, pointing to the back door. “Go on, we’ll take this discussion up later.”

He sighed smiling again. “And I thought you were just an innocent housewife from Arlington,” he breathed, turning away. “To hear that coming from your sweet little lips…”

“I lost that innocents when you corrupted me, Scarecrow,” she laughed, rubbing his shoulders as he stepped away.

“So now it’s my fault,” he muttered then smiled as he gave her a backward glance.

“Isn’t it always?” she teased, motioning out with her hands. “Go on and get that stuff packed away otherwise we’re not going to get to the campsite until after dark.”

Despite her words he stopped and adjusted the box in his arms. “You know, you’re getting really good at this giving orders thing. Should I be concerned here?” he questioned lightly. “I mean granted you look great in pants but I don’t think I have the legs for a skirt in this relationship.”

She started laughing again, motioning with her hands. “Just… go…” she managed short of breath.

Still he paused, grinning brightly. “I’ve heard that some men lose their authoritative positions in some marriages. I’m just trying to make sure that’s not going to happen here, that’s all. Because if you’re going to wear the pants in this family, I really should be informed don’t you think? I’ve got a whole new wardrobe to buy.”

“Get out to the truck Stetson, Now…” she pressed, placing her hands on her hips, fighting the smile quivering along her features.

“I’m going, I’m going,” he muttered, flashing her one last smile before heading out. “Boy are you bossy today. I guess I should be thankful that I’ve still got some say at work,” he teased, leaving her with one last comment before ducking quickly out the door.

“Give me a hand here, Phillip. Your mom says we have to load the truck,” he called crossing the yard quickly toward his oldest stepson who was still rummaging through the pile on the ground.

“Yeah she wanted you to do it,” he agreed opening the back hatch quickly as Lee stepped forward and slid the box inside. “I offered but the last time I loaded the truck for a camping trip we had stuff falling all over Jamie on the way up.” He snickered, shaking his head. “Man was he mad when that cooler hit him in the head when we went over that bump.”

“Ouch, I bet that hurt,” Lee agreed as Phillip began handing him the supplies. “Well we’ll make this all fit… somehow,” he muttered, looking at all the items, then back at the cargo area of the truck. “Do you have a rope?”

Phillip stopped in mid grab, glancing back up at him. “A rope? What for?”

“To tie the tents and sleeping bags on the top. There’s no way all this stuff is going to fit unless we rent a U-Haul.”

Phillip grinned, pitching him a small bag. “Sure, there’s one in the garage. I’ll get it. Mom’s always been one for packing everything short of the kitchen sink.”

“I’m sure if we look hard enough we’d probably find that too,” Lee muttered, shaking his head as Phillip moved off. In all the camping trips he’d taken, he had never brought so much with him. His supplies usually consisted of a sleeping bag, a tent, a small bag of groceries and a couple of changes of clothes.

This was insane.

Of course he had never brought a family along and granted the boys did seem to be preoccupied with eating. Every time he came over they were snacking on this or munching on that. He was amazed that their metabolism was able to burn all the calories they consumed. If he ate like that he’d look like a whale. His days of pigging out had long since passed.

The trips he and Amanda had made to the grocery store together still amazed him when it came to checking out. He didn’t know how she managed to keep them fed before he started adding his income to their household.

The first time their total had hit triple digits he’d nearly swallowed his tongue and that had only been for a one-week supply! Now he was used to the astronomical totals on the grocery bills and everything else that came with helping to support a growing family.

He willingly handed over the money without batting an eye, helping her keep Phillip and Jamie both in the slightly more expensive wardrobe of an active teenager. Had they ever asked where the Nike tennis shoes or name brand polo shirts had came from they would have been told that Amanda had gotten a raise at work and little more. That their stepfather was supplying the money had to continue to be a secret just like everything else about Lee for awhile longer.

Dotty knew that he was helping Amanda from time to time, just not to what extent. She had walked in on them in the kitchen one afternoon and saw him handing over his weekly monetary assistance. Amanda had been embarrassed, and immediately played it off as a small loan, one that she would be paying back the next week. He didn’t understand why she had been so upset over it, but he went along with her, telling Dotty that there had been a mistake on her check and he was just helping out until it all got straightened out.

He knew she was very independent when it came to the family. It had taken him nearly a month to persuade her into letting him help her to begin with. As much as she fought, telling him she was capable of taking care of the financial situation, he fought just as hard to tell her that he was part of the family as well and he wanted to help.

There had been several tense nights between them, neither wanting to back down, and both being completely and utterly childish about the whole stubborn issue. In the end she had finally relented to the fact that yes, he was her husband, and had he been living with them their income would be pooled toward the household finances anyway.

He had been ecstatic at her change of heart and truth to tell his extra money had helped them keep the boys happy and in his opinion, well fed now that their appetite had exceeded both his and Amanda’s. Still mulling over his secret assistance and placement in this strange setup of a family he found himself in he was slightly startled when Jamie interrupted his musings.

“Lee, Mom says make sure this box is tightly packed. It’s got glass stuff inside.”

Shoving a box of dry goods into the back Lee turned smiling toward his youngest stepson and took the box carefully from him. “Thanks Jamie.” He was well aware of what was inside the box he’d just taken. He’d brought over a few of his own necessities the night before, a small selection of wines for him and Amanda to enjoy after the boys finally drifted off to sleep.

“You got everything packed up and ready to go?” he asked the smaller boy as Jamie bent down and handed him another box.

“Yeah I think so,” Jamie returned.

“We’re going to have a good time right?” Lee asked hopefully, taking the box. “There’s going to be a ton of stuff to do. I figure we could take a hike up the mountain, do some swimming, there’s even canoes that we can rent and take out on the lake.”

“Yeah that all sounds fun,” Jamie agreed with a nod. “I’m hoping to get some really good nature shots while we’re gone. I thought I’d start a portfolio of wild life and some of the more isolated areas of the forest. You know kinda show what the woods look like before the touch of civilization intervened.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Lee agreed, still surprised at the difference in the two boys. “You doing this for a school project?”

“Nah, just for me. I want to practice different views and try out that new telescopic lens you got me for my birthday last month,” Jamie smiled, pushing his glasses up farther on his nose. “I’m hoping to catch an eagle before we leave.”

“Well we’ll just have to see what we can come up with then,” Lee agreed, nudging him lightly in the arm. “I’d like a copy of that picture if we get lucky. I think it would look awesome hanging in my living room.”

Jamie’s smiled widened as he nodded, “Yes sir, it would look awesome!”

“Grab that sack and let’s get this truck loaded up, we’re burning daylight here. The sooner we’re done, the quicker we can get out there and start looking for your eagle.”

“Oh yeah!” Jamie agreed bending down to retrieve the scattered items across the yard.

Smiling Lee went back to loading the vehicle pleased that he had seemed to make the boy happy about their upcoming trip. They were going to have a wonderful time this weekend, no doubt about it.

* * *

“See that wasn’t so bad,” Lee breathed, wiping the sweat off his forehead with an exaggerated movement. Amanda and the boys clapped wildly as he smiled brightly, bowing toward their positions in the lawn chairs a few feet away.

Once they had reached their destination deep in the National Historic Park outside Rockville the sun had long since set. Determined not to allow their first night to fizzle before their little adventure had even began, Amanda challenged Lee and the boys to a good-natured tent-pitching race.

Unloading the back of the Wagoneer of all their equipment, they started a roaring fire in the center of the site, hung a few well-placed lanterns to light the way and the race was on. Amanda had the time of her life watching the boys and Lee compete with the contrary ropes and poles of their canvas tents.

She of course finished first as she knew she would, the years of camping with the junior trailblazers as Den mother had versed her in the quickest tent assemble known. The boys seemed to fair a bit better than her city slicking, secret agent of a husband.

Twice he’d almost had the tent constructed though it leaned dangerously to the left, its roof sagging slightly in the center. Then the ominous cloud of destruction reared its nasty head when he jerked just a bit too hard on the last rope and sent the entire structure crumbling down in a billow of green.

Jamie and Phillip, in their best sportsman like manner, razzed and teased him mercilessly, gloating over their nearly finished construction. Lee, being big about the whole thing promptly rose from his stunned position and stepped toward them. He gave them one of his wonderful smiles that melted Amanda’s heart before reaching out and jerking loose the main structural rope that held their tent in place. Within moments the second tent followed the first to lay collapsed on the forest floor.

For the next five minutes it was a free for all amid the clamor of complaints and accusations, Jamie and Phillip both lunging for the quick side-stepping Lee as he stayed just out of their frantic reach. Amanda giggled so hard her sides ached before they ended up tackling him into the collapsed tent canvas on the ground.

Things came to a quick halt when Jamie’s glasses became dislodged from his face and went flying across the darkened area. With a quick scramble flashlights were brought out as everyone carefully looked for the lost eyewear, Amanda scolding the entire bunch for their reckless behavior.

The boys recovered quick enough and had their tent standing proud along the side of their mothers while Lee still struggled fruitlessly with his. By the time he finally succeeded in the attempt, the others had retired to their lawn chairs, cheering him on.

“I told you I could do it,” he teased stepping toward them as Amanda handed him a can of soda. “Nothing to it.”

“Oh yeah, and it only took you an hour,” Phillip teased, snickering into his can as he took a drink. “Very impressive there Lee. I’m proud to have witnessed it.”

“Hey watch it now, I know where you sleep. I’d hate for you to wake up in the middle of the night with a face full of water,” Lee warned giving him a wicked look as he sank down beside Amanda’s chair on the ground. The fourth lawn chair was still leaning against the side of the Wagoneer, he just didn’t feel like walking over and retrieving it.

“We know where you sleep too,” Jamie piped in grinning. “Ever wake up to a sleeping bag filled with worms?”

“Amanda, are you listening to this?” Lee protested, popping the top on his can. “I do believe I may have to sleep with one eye opened around here.”

She laughed, reaching out to caress his hair with her fingertips. “You did start this Lee,” she reminded him lightly. “Let’s all just forget about our little threats and see what we can rustle up for supper shall we?” she suggested rising from the chair.

“Oh yeah, Food!” Phillip exclaimed eagerly bolting up and hurrying to the vehicle.

“How’s cold cuts sound for tonight?” she called following her oldest toward the far side of the camping area. “It’s almost too late to really cook anything, I’ll treat you all to a big breakfast in the morning.”

“That’s fine Mom,” Jamie agreed nodding his head.

“Works for me,” Lee added, rising from the ground and sliding into her chair near the fire. Stretching out his long form, he sighed and took another drink from the can.

“Lee… can I ask you something?” Jamie said, looking toward him as they heard Phillip and Amanda rummaging through the back of the truck behind them. They’d left the coolers and boxes of food inside for protection from the elements and any stray raccoons that might try and steal a free meal while they slept.

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” Lee returned, glancing toward him. He could tell by the look on Jamie’s face that whatever the boy was thinking about made him uncomfortable. Frowning he watched Jamie fidget in the chair for a moment, swinging his legs nervously along the ground in front of him. “What’s up Jamie?” he questioned quietly when the boy didn’t look up and meet his eyes.

“Well… this might not be none of my business…” he started in his own shy way, running his finger idly around the top of his soft drink can. “And I don’t want you to get mad or think I’m prying into your life…”

“Jamie, what?” Lee repeated, sitting up straighter in his chair. “I’m not going to get mad because you ask me something. What’s bothering you?”

“How long have you known Mom? I mean really?” he blurted out, looking up quickly. “You guys say it’s been only a year or so, but I’ve noticed that the two of you are awful close, like you’ve known each other for a long time. I mean a real long time. I know you’re her boss and you’ve worked together for a few years, but you’ve been seeing each other more than you’ve told us haven’t you? Phillip and me, we’ve both seen it. I just want to know how long she’s been in your life.”

Lee blinked, amazed that the boy managed to get all that out in nearly one breath. ‘Boy I know where he gets that,’ he thought, shifting slightly in his chair. “This has been bothering you? Wondering how long me and your mother have been seeing each other?” he wondered aloud.

“It’s not actually bothering me,” Jamie corrected shaking his head. “But I would like to know the truth. It’s been longer than the year you told us about, hasn’t it?”

“Yes it’s been longer,” Lee agreed quietly.

“How long?” the boy asked, seeming to break out of his shyness.

“Almost five years I’d imagine. Well, not since we’ve been actually seeing each other, I’d say…” Lee thought a moment, taking a slow drink. “Almost two and a half if memory serves. Your mother could probably tell you the exact time of day that I asked her out that first time,” he teased smiling.

“Then how come Phillip and I didn’t meet you until last year? How come you didn’t come around the house?”

Lee contemplated this thought a moment, debating the best way to answer the young man’s question. He needed to be truthful he knew that. Jamie was taking the first step here and trying to open up to him with the questions, Lee knew the least he could do was truthful about his answers.

However the thought of how his wife would react to the little conversation they were having was another matter. He didn’t know point by point what all she had discussed with the boys and he wasn’t really ready to overstep his boundaries just yet. But on the other hand, if he was ever going to be more than a passing visitor in their lives, he had to lay the ground work and give a little of himself.

“We wasn’t sure how you would relate to me,” he said honestly looking back toward his youngest stepson. “I didn’t want to make you or your brother uncomfortable with being around underfoot. I wanted to get to know you slowly, ease myself into your lives.”

“How could you do that if you’d never met us?” Jamie questioned with a frown. “How do we know you weren’t avoiding us?”

“Avoiding you? Why would I avoid you?” Lee returned, matching his expression.

Jamie shrugged absently, lowering his eyes. “I dunno,” he muttered.

When Lee saw him break eye contact and slump down in the chair, almost as if he was trying to avoid meeting his gaze, he knew he had to do something. ‘He’s closing up again!’ he thought frantically, reaching out and jiggling Jamie’s lawn chair slightly. “Hey, can I share something with you?” he whispered, leaning toward him.

Jamie looked up slowly and nodded the firelight flickering in the reflection of the lens in his glasses.

“Remember when you hit that home run two years ago, the one that won the series for the bombers? I thought that was an awesome swing,” he said smiling. “That ball flew over the fence and missed the edge by a good foot. The outfielder didn’t stand a chance in catching it. It was gone the moment it stuck the bat.”

Jamie grinned at the memory, his face lighting up. It had been his crowning achievement that summer. His run had placed the bombers ahead in the league and Phillips pitching in the last inning had clinched the game. Their trophy’s still sat proudly on the mantel in the den.

“Yeah that was awesome. It was my best hit of the season,” he agreed.

“Yes it was and the whole team carried you off the field in their arms. You had the parents in the stands beside themselves. Everyone gave you a standing ovation.”

“How do you know all this? Did mom tell you?” Jamie asked confused at the turn of their conversation.

Lee shook his head smiling. “No, your mother didn’t have to tell me. I was there Jamie. I witnessed that wonderful hit from behind the center field wall. I still have your ball at my apartment,” he confessed with a twinkle in his eyes. “Remember that ball your brother was asking about? The one on the shelf in the living room? He couldn’t figure out why I had it displayed when it didn’t have a signature on it.”

“You told him it was a prized possession,” Jamie whispered slowly.

“It is. It’s your home run ball that won the series. I’m very proud of that ball,” he confessed. “Just because you and your brother didn’t see me that doesn’t mean I wasn’t around. I’ve been a silent spectator in all your games. I haven’t missed one in over a year. I’ve even attended a couple of your birthdays from out on the back patio.”

“Then why didn’t you make yourself known?” he questioned again. “If you were there for all those things, why didn’t you tell us?”

Lee sighed, resting his elbows along his knees. “Because your mother and I thought that you and your brother wasn’t ready to meet me,” he confessed quietly. “I don’t want to disrupt your lives Jamie. You and your brother have been the men of the house for a long time. I didn’t want you resenting me for my feelings toward your mother. Perhaps we were wrong,” he added with a small shrug. “But we did it for you. We didn’t want you feeling like we were pushing you into anything.”

Jamie sat there for several minutes, the only sounds in the small clearing was that of the fire crackling beside them and the quiet laughter and teasing of Phillip and Amanda on the other side. Lee wasn’t sure if he should be the one to break the silence that surrounded them or not. He was still on unsteady ground when it came to his youngest stepson and he didn’t want to do anything more to rock the boat.

Finally when Jamie did speak, what he said surprised Lee. “You did it for us? Phillip and me? Stayed away and kept your relationship with Mom a secret?” he whispered.

Lee looked up from where he’d been studying the twigs on the ground to meet the young boy’s eyes. “Yes, I thought it was a good idea at the time,” he returned softly.

“Does grandma know this?” Jamie questioned.

Lee shook his head slowly. “No.”

Jamie sighed and contemplated a moment more, his eyes never leaving Lee’s form. “I see,” he muttered. Lee wasn’t sure how to take that response. “You know,” Jamie continued after a moment. “You’re not at all like Dean.”

Lee blinked quickly. “Excuse me?” he managed. ‘Dean? Where the hell did that come from?’

“Dean, he was one of mom’s old boyfriends,” Jamie began to explain.

“Yes, I know who he is. I just don’t understand why you brought him up in this conversation,” he returned perplexed.

“I was just sitting here thinking about how he was always falling over himself to get me and Phillip to like him when we were younger. He’d buy us stuff, take us out to eat, we’d play goofy golf all the time. He was trying to buy our affection,” he said seriously. “He said he liked mom and I’m sure he did, but he didn’t so much try to like us but to buy us. We came with the package you know? A divorced mother of two, if you take the mother, the kids are kinda thrown in for free…”

“Jamie, that’s not the way I look at this,” Lee protested, shaking his head.

“Let me finish okay?”

Lee nodded quietly, not sure where this was going.

“I wasn’t sure how to take you for the longest time, despite what mom told me. You two always seemed to be together once you stepped into our lives. If you weren’t working together, you were hanging out at the house more and more… I kinda resented the time you had with mom,” he admitted in a small voice. “I felt cheated.”

“I don’t mean to do that,” Lee whispered.

“I know, I’ve gotten over that now, at least I think I have,” he returned with a small smile. “I see the two of you together and I know you make mom happy Lee. You really do, her eyes sparkle when you’re around. That’s not happened in a long time.”

He smiled at the boy’s words.

“And I’ve also realized that you like to spend time with Phillip and me. It’s not because you have to, but because you want to. You almost go out of your way to do the things we like to do, none of mom’s other boyfriends would do that. We felt like excessive baggage when they were around. Just like this weekend…” he sat forward quickly, mimicking Lee’s stance with his elbows on his knees. “I know the two of you could have gone off and done whatever you wanted, but you took the time and planned this. You wanted to come out here with us. That means a lot.”

“I wanted us to do this together. That’s what made it special,” Lee agreed as they both looked into the fire beside them. “I enjoy being with you and your brother.”

“I know, just like all the times you invite us over to your place, even when mom’s not around. I really like playing monopoly with you,” he said smiling. “You don’t cheat near as much as mom or grandma does.”

Lee gave him a look, fighting from smiling. “Me, cheat? I do not,” he protested lightly.

“Yeah that’s the same thing mom says,” Jamie muttered shaking his head as he laughed.

“She cheats? Really?” He asked amazed.

Jamie nodded. “Never let her be the banker, never,” he pressed shaking his head.

Lee chuckled at the seriousness of his tone. “I’ll have to remember that. No wonder she always wins.”

“Oh yeah, you gotta watch her, she’s slick,” Jamie returned smiling, then looked at Lee seriously again. “I think you’re good for each other,” he admitted quietly. “You make her smile and I’m glad for that. She needs to smile more, you know?”

Lee nodded reaching out a hand and laid it tenderly on the boy’s shoulders. “I think she has a lot to smile about. She’s got two incredible sons that mean the world to her…”

“And someone that really cares about her,” Jamie added nodding toward Lee.

“That cares a great deal about her,” Lee agreed tenderly. “Your mother’s a very special person Jamie, she means the world to me,” he confessed softly. “You all do. I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of your lives."

“Yeah, I am too,” Jamie returned a moment before Amanda’s voice called to them.

“Hey you two, are you coming over here to eat or is Phillip going to have to put this pound of lunchmeat away by himself?"

Lee grinned glancing over their shoulders to the picnic table laid out with a few bowls and plates. “If he eats all that, he’s going to be sick the rest of the night,” he called in return, rising from the chair.

“Don’t bet on it,” Phillip shot back, before taking a huge bite out of the double decker sandwich in his hand.

“Come on Jamie, let’s see about snagging a few crumbs before your brother inhales them,” Lee teased, patting him on the back. Jamie nodded, grinning as they made their way across the clearing toward the other two members of their family.

* * *

“Are we going fishing early in the morning?” Phillip asked dropping his empty soda can into the small trash bin near the picnic table as he leaned back.

After everyone had their fill of sandwiches, potato salad and slaw, Amanda and Lee had cleared away what little food that had been left while Jamie disappeared into his and Phillip’s tent only to return a few moments later with a deck of cards. It didn’t take long for the boys to persuade the adults into a game of cards, though Phillip did request a round or two of poker and was shot down with a look and firm ‘No’ from his mother.

“How early are we talking?” Lee asked with a look of trepidation toward his stepson sitting across from him.

“It’s a well known fact that you get the best bites just as the sun’s coming up,” Jamie explained giving Lee a smile. “Dad always has us up around four so we can be out on the lake by five at the latest.”

“Five a.m.?” Lee questioned in surprise. He could see Amanda covering her hand over her face to hide the smile as she coughed quickly. “It’s still dark at five a. m.,” he protested lightly.

The others at the table seemed to take great delight in his newly discovered timetable of events. The boys snickered, grinning wildly at his discomfort while Amanda patted him tenderly on the arm, smiling sweetly. ‘This is what I get for agreeing to something before I have all the facts.’

“Yeah, that’s the best time,” Phillip repeated his brother’s statement. “The fish are closer to the top of the water, they’re feeding then. Are we going to get to rent the canoes in the morning or just do a little shore fishing first?”

“Why don’t you shore fish in the morning?” Amanda suggested smiling toward her son. “We’ll see about renting canoes tomorrow afternoon. I’m not sure I want you three out there in the dark trying to stay afloat and fish.”

“Ah mom…” Phillip complained.

“No, your mother’s right. We’ll scout the lake tomorrow for the better spots then see about going out Sunday morning in a canoe,” Lee agreed dropping his cards onto the table as he glanced at his watch. “If you guys are wanting me up and functional at five then I think we need to call it a night. It’s almost midnight now.”

Jamie grinned, gathering up the cards. “You want us to get everything ready before we wake you?” he teased across the table.

“No, I’ll help,” Lee returned with a smile. “It’s just really early guys. I thought we were on a mini vacation here. What happened to sleeping in?”

“Who sleeps in on a camping trip?” Phillip asked as he and Jamie rose from the table and headed toward their tent.

“Apparently not me,” Lee muttered shaking his head as he realized what he had gotten himself into. What few camping trips he had participated in had never carried children in the ranks. As much as he was looking forward to this weekend, he knew the boys were going to give him the full treatment and love every minute of his initiation into the King’s household camping trips. He had the distinctive impression he was going to need a vacation to recover from this one.

“I’ll make sure you have a nice hot cup of coffee waiting for you when you come out,” Amanda assured him with an understanding look and pat on the knee. “I know how grumpy you are in the mornings if you don’t get your coffee.”

“You know I think they’re enjoying this way too much,” he returned with a smile. “Its not often they get to see me so out of my element, they’re eating this up. Did you see how they teased me over that tent?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “That’s just unhealthy Amanda,” he added with a chuckle. “It’s a good thing I know they like me or I’d be concerned here.”

She laughed, leaning forward to wrap an arm loosely around his waist, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I promise I won’t let them hurt you,” she teased in a whisper laying her head on his shoulder. “We’ve only been here a few hours and I know they’re having a good time. Thank you for agreeing to this.”

“As long as they’re having a good time, I’m happy,” he breathed, kissing her hair softly, then laying his head against her as he took her hand from the table and intertwined their fingers. “We agreed that the next four days would be dedicated to them and I plan to standby my end of the bargain. It took us a long time to find a place that would offer them both something they enjoyed and if I have to drag my happy ass out of that tent every morning at five then it’s the least I can do,” he added with a smile.

“You’re too good to them Lee,” she returned with a sigh. “Not many men would be so willing to throw away their four days off to be at the beckon call of two teenage boys.”

“I’m their stepfather, Manda. It’s my pleasure,” he whispered, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb slowly. “I enjoy spending time with them, you know that. They’re great boys. I just wish Joe would have more time for them. He hasn’t seen them in over two months.” He sighed, shaking his head. “I know he’s busy, but those boys are going to need him more now that they’re growing up then before. A short ten minute call once every two weeks doesn’t cut it.”

“Lee please. You promised not to bring him up again,” she muttered, pulling away from his body.

Hearing the uneasiness in her tone, he turned toward her, sliding around until he was straddling the bench seat of the picnic table facing her. “I know Manda, but they need a father. Joe’s not acting in that capacity. He’s a part time playmate at best. I don’t like seeing the boys jerked around like that. They deserve better. I’ve spent more time with them in the last year and a half, going to their activities, and being there for them than Joe has in their entire lives.”

“Lee don’t…” she protested shaking her head. “The last time you and Joe had this discussion you were both aggravated for a week. I felt like I was walking around on eggshells with you two. There just isn’t any other option…”

“Yes there is, hon,” he interrupted, taking her hands quickly. “Let me tell them. I want them to know who I really am. I want to be there for them,” he whispered. “I’m tired of pretending I’m just a friend.”

“That could complicate everything…”

“How? How could it get more complicated than it already is? I’m married to the most wonderful woman in the world and I can’t even show my affection in public. My own stepsons have no idea of my true connection to the family, my mother-in-law keeps pressuring me to take the step that we’ve already made over a year ago. I have to go home at night to an empty apartment and sleep by myself when my family is sitting clear across town. Tell me how it can be more complicated?” he asked in a serious tone, unaware that he had just spit all that out so very much in the same manner his wife rattled on, in one single breath.

That fact didn’t go unnoticed by Amanda however and she smiled softly up at her husband’s form. “Sweetheart, I know it’s hard…” she began.

“I don’t want to live like this anymore Amanda. I want to be with you and the kids. I want to be a real family. A normal family,” he pressed, staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

“Normal?” she whispered surprised at hearing her own words coming from his mouth.

He nodded, staring to smile himself as he realized the impact of the words. “Yes you heard me right, the great Scarecrow wants to be normal. Is that really so hard to believe after all the years you’ve spent teaching me what’s out there?” Giving her hands a tight squeeze he lifted one to his mouth kissing her fingertips tenderly.

“I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Our marriage is starting to remind me of those damn on again off again relationships I had in the past and I don’t want that,” he confided in her. “I feel like we’re only together when you’re in town, we hardly get to see each other anymore. You’re not my girlfriend Amanda you’re my wife. I want to be with my wife every night, not just when it’s convenient.”

“The boys like me, your mother likes me. I love them all so very much, Manda. I want to be an active part of this family. Let me do that, please,” he whispered sincerely. “You know I won’t do anything without your permission, but its time to stop hiding our love, its time that we become the family we were meant to be, honey. I don’t want to hide anymore. I’ve grown up. I’m not that devil take care playboy you met all those years ago. I want to be a husband, a father and a son-in-law. I’m ready, Manda, I’m really ready.”

“This has never had anything to do with whether you’re ready or not, sweetheart,” she corrected, laying her palm against his jaw gently as she mimicked his position on the bench seat. “I know you’d make a wonderful father and a great son-in-law. I trust you with my life Lee, and I’d trust you with our family. I just… we did this for their protection…”

“I can protect them Manda, better if I were there than across town. I was stupid to even suggest this secret marriage idea in the first place. We were both shook up after that case and neither one of us were thinking straight,” he pressed, turning his head to kiss her palm. “Almost everyone knows there’s something going on between us, we can’t hide that anymore. Billy knows if I’m not home I’m at your house, he’s called me there numerous times.”

“I know,” she breathed with a sigh. “What about Dr. Smyth?”

Realizing her defenses were dropping and he was finally getting through with his argument, Lee brightened, shaking his head quickly. “He doesn’t matter. If he tries to split us up after finding out we’re married; we’ll fight him. He’s not the all-powerful person that everyone thinks he is. There are others above him Amanda, you know Harry will back us up and so will Billy,” he offered hopefully.

“He’ll make our life miserable if he loses,” she reminded him.

Lee grinned. “He makes our lives miserable now, my love. I don’t care what happens at work, we’ll be together, I promise you that. We’ll work out something. Just say yes, please Amanda,” he pleaded, looking into her eyes as he scooted forward and wrapped his hands along her slim waist. “I’m sick of living like this. Let’s be a family, a real family.”

He felt like he was purposing all over again. The butterflies in his stomach this time were worse than last, he had known she’d marry him, he had known it in his heart. Getting her to say yes now to dissolving the secret of their marriage was more uncertain. She wanted to be with him, but she was worried about the family and he had come to learn over the years that the family was the most important of all.

She looked into his eyes as if judging his expression. “I love you Amanda Stetson and I know you love me. Say yes,” he repeated softly.

A small smile formed on her lips making his heart soar. "Yes,” she whispered, nodding her head. “I would love to have you with me everyday and night. It would be a dream come true.”

Feeling her fingers tickling and twirling the hair along the back of his neck, Lee grinned, leaning in and kissed her firmly on the lips. “Thank you,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. “You’ve made me very happy Manda. I can’t wait to tell the boys.” He kissed her again, then pulled back, looking at her quickly. “You do have your rings with you, don’t you?” he asked.

“Always,” she agreed, fingering the small chain that hung around her neck. “They make me feel like I’ve always got a piece of you with me.”

“Then before we go home, we’re telling them. I think they’re ready, I really do. They’re not the small kids that I first met. They’ve both grown into wonderful young men. I think they’ll understand,” he rattled on, beaming with joy.

“I am sure they will my love,” she agreed smiling broadly. With that she kissed him again and Lee willingly gave himself to the hunger he felt in her lips.

They sat for a while in the flickering firelight of the night kissing and cuddling like two teenagers out on a date. Lee found it very difficult to keep his hands to himself despite the fact that the boys lay no more than a few feet away in their tents.

He felt her sigh against his strong body as his fingers played delicately along the soft flesh of her stomach. She hadn’t made much protest when he’d unbutton the bottom two buttons of her shirt and he planned on taking advantage of this little windfall. “Why don’t we take this into your tent?” he suggested in a husky voice. “You’re driving me crazy here Amanda. You’re hands are magical.”

She too had been doing more than a little exploration of her own, caressing and teasing his shoulder blades and back with her nails beneath his shirt. “We can’t honey, what if the boys wake up?”

He smiled, nuzzling her neck, biting softly along the skin of her jaw with his teeth. “Hmm…what would they think if they stepped out and saw us all but mauling each other like this?” he muttered, letting his tongue snake a trail back toward her ear. “I want you Manda, I need to be with you. Make love to me, we’ll be quiet…”

“We’re never quiet,” she returned in a low voice.

“I’ll try,” he returned smiling against her cheek. “It’s all your fault you know, you drive me insane when I’m in your arms. I can’t resist myself.”

“Hmmm… The feelings mutual I assure you,” she purred, feeling his hands slid upward fingering and caressing her bra. “Lee, don’t do that,” she protested, pulling back slightly from his kisses as she felt his fingers working the front fastenings of her undergarment apart professionally. “We can’t…”

“Yes we can,” he moaned ignoring her protests as her bra slid apart. His fingers found her nipples and began rubbing them softly. “You like it, you can’t tell me you don’t.”

“That’s not the point…”

“Yes it is,” he breathed, pulling back to look into her eyes. “I want to make you feel good… I want to make both of us feel good…”

“I feel fine…” she managed weakly.

“No, you feel magnificent,” he corrected, smiling into her eyes. “Let me undo the rest of your buttons… let me see you,” he pressed feeling his body‘s urges getting the best of him. As much as she could protest, he knew he could win if he just continued along path he was on. Once he got a hold of her, Amanda would never say no, she just didn’t have the will power.

Sliding one hand out, he began doing just what he said, not waiting for her answer. With one hand caressing and exciting her right nipple, his other systematically began releasing the buttons of her flannel shirt, slowly exposing her to his hungry eyes.

His fingers traced delicate, feather light patters along her exposed skin as each button fell away, and soon his lips covered those imaginary patterns with caresses of their own. He could feel her squirming beneath his kisses, her body flushed with barely controlled desire. ‘She’s mine,’ he thought triumphantly, his lips dipping into the valley between her breasts, his tongue lapping gently over the swell of her mounds.

Just as he slid his head downward and engulfed a nipple into the warmth of his mouth, trying to pull her body closer to him, she snapped out of the daze his touch had produced. Taking his head firmly between her hands, she drew him away from his freshly exposed treasure.

“Scarecrow, you’re pushing it. I told you we can’t,” she said once again.

“Ah Amanda, you’re killing me here,” he grumbled, slumping down. “That’s not the response you’re suppose to give me. Now come on, I like it when you play hard to get too, but I need to have you,” he groaned, leaning forward again. “We’ll role play later.”

His lips no more than brushed her nipple when she pushed him back again. “Lee… the boys haven’t had time to get to sleep yet. We can’t.”

“Sure we can,” he returned, leaning in again.

“No we can’t.”

With a sigh, he sat there, staring at her open blouse, her nipples hard and inviting, the left on still glistening from its recent kiss. She allowed his hands to continue their work moving softly over her breast with a delicate touch, but she wasn’t going to let him enjoy himself more.

Dejected he sat there, eyeing his treasures with determination. "Okay, tell you what… I’ll agree to hold off and not press you to make love with me tonight if you let me have those for just a little while,” he said in a hopeful voice.

Amanda laughed, giving him a look. “Lee…”

“Sweetheart it’s been nearly three days since I’ve seen you like this. I think I’m being very reasonable,” he returned trying to win her over with a disarming smile. “I’ll enjoy myself, you’ll enjoy yourself. Everyone will be happy,” he added grinning.

“No, you’re not talking your way into this. If I allow that you’ll be all over me and I won’t be able to stop you,” she returned with a knowing smile.

“I promise,” he tried, crossing his heart. “I Lee Stetson will not ask my wife to make love to me tonight if she allows me to have her breasts for one half hour to do whatever I please.” He said in a serious tone, holding his right hand up as if he was in a courtroom being sworn in.

“You’re impossible.”

“I am not. I think that is a very ligament request. I have urges Amanda,” he added with a smile trying to sway her to his way of thinking. “It’s hard to control them sometimes…”

“You always have urges, mister,” she breathed, giving him a look.

“I have a healthy sex drive, there’s nothing wrong with that,” he explained happily. “Now come here and let me…”

He no more than bent his head and captured her nipple yet again into his mouth when they both hear the flap of the tent being pulled back. Frantically jerking away, his eyes falling on the last glimpse of her exotic breasts he would see that night, he gathered her into his arms as she pulled her shirt around herself quickly, laying her head on his shoulder.

“You guys still up?” Phillip asked quietly, running his hand through his hair as Amanda looked over Lee’s shoulder.

“Yes honey, we were just talking. We’re going to bed shortly. What’s the matter?” she asked as Lee felt her quickly working the buttons of her shirt back together.

Phillip held up the flashlight, moving across the campsite. “Gotta take a late night bathroom stop,” he teased.

“Well be careful and don’t step on anything on the way to the toilet house,” Amanda commanded as he moved around their vehicle to the small road.

“I will, be back in a minute,” he called quietly into the night as Lee turned to watch the beam of his light jump and move in the distance.

“Shit that was close,” he breathed, closing his eyes.

“Yes it was, now do you see what I meant?” she asked shaking her head. “I don’t know what we would have done if he’d caught you…”

“Feasting on his mother?” Lee finished with a wicked look. “That would have been an interesting conversation,” he agreed quietly. “All right fine, no sex tonight, I get the point. But you’re not getting away from me this weekend Mrs. Stetson. I will have you before we leave this campsite.”

“I like the determination in your voice,” she returned, giving him a quick kiss as they slowly separated from their embrace.

“That’s not determination you’re hearing, its fact. I’m not letting you get away from me this weekend,” he said smiling as he adjusted the collar of her shirt. “There’s just something about the woods that brings out the animal in me and I plan on sharing that with you at least once.”

“I look forward to it,” she returned as they rose from the table. “But for now, give me a kiss and go to bed. Five a.m. is going to come a lot sooner than either of us think and I don’t want you to come crawling back into the camp site in the morning because you’ve got a hook embedded in your palm because you were half asleep,” she teased lightly.

“Hmm… would it get me any sympathy?” he asked lightly, wrapping his arms around her waist as he lowered his face toward hers.

“Not an ounce,” she muttered smiling.

“Then I guess I’ll have to pass,” he whispered, allowing his lips to taste hers once more. Snaking his tongue out he flickered it lightly along her soft petals, feelings hers reach out and dance along the edge of his mouth. With a groan he pulled her closer, wanting nothing more than to take her into his arms and carry her to the tent.

His body cried out to be satisfied by hers, he knew she could feel the desire boiling barely controlled just below the surface. The intensity of the kiss increased, as did his firm hold of her shoulders. Her lower body rubbed seductively against him, drawing a strangled growl from his throat.

“Ah damn woman,” he muttered, pulling back from her mouth, looking fiercely into her twinkling eyes. “That’s just mean.”

“It’ll go down,” she whispered, lowering her hand to the front of his pants and giving him a small squeeze. “I’m just sorry I can’t be there to help you out.”

He shuddered, closing his eyes as he felt her tender caress, tightening his hold on her shoulders. “Hmm… me too. I can think of a few entertaining ways to go about it.” Hearing Phillip coming back, Lee looked toward the road spotting the bobbling beam of his light. “But I’ll have to settle for pleasant dreams of you and if that fails a very cold dip in the lake,” he teased with a smile.

“That you didn’t have to say,” she returned with a look. “Now I’m going to have the image of you skinny dipping running through my mind.”

He grinned giving her another quick kiss, then pulled back from her arms. “That’s an idea we just might have to partake in my love,” he teased, giving her a wink. “I’ll see you in the morning. I love you,” he whispered.

“Love you too,” she returned softly as Phillip stepping around the car.

“Night Phillip,” Lee called before turning toward his lonely tent.

“Night Lee.”

* * *

Lee was awaken no more than a couple of hours after his retreat into the tent by the quiet clanging of metal against metal and the low murmur of voices outside his canvas siding. Rolling over from his prone position he drug his hand slowly from beneath the fluffy pillow he had somehow managed to shove half into the tightly constricted sleeping bag with him and rubbed his eyes weakly.

It was definitely voices of that he was sure, and from those voices he could make out Amanda’s constant cheery tone and that of the boys. The smell of freshly fried bacon and eggs filled his senses along with a strong lingering aroma that actually drew him closer to consciousness than anything else. The smell of hot coffee percolating on the fire pit outside sparked his attention with its delicious scent.

His nose twitched then he yawned, forcing his eyes to flutter open as he stretched his tall form out along the hard floor covering of the tent. A low moan formed in his chest and slid out of his throat as his hand made its way around his face, rubbing roughly at the newly formed whiskers along his jaw.

“It’s too early for this shit,” he muttered, blinking the sleep from his eyes as he watched the shadows of the forms beyond the tent moving slowly. “How can they possibly be up and spry at this time?”

He could easy make out the distorted big shadowy forms of the two boys sitting at the table through the tent’s canvas and the form of Amanda dotting over them for this or that. A small smile crept to his lips as he lay there listening to the early morning chatter of what few birds were up.

It was still pitch black out, the only light in the area from the small fire either one of the boys or Amanda had rekindled for cooking. His tall form protested the movement as he stretched yet again, trying to make himself wake up enough to pull himself from the sleeping bag.

It was almost a lost cause.

With the knowledge that nothing major was taking place or that he didn’t have to react due to anything work related, Lee wanted nothing more than to roll over and give himself back to the slumber tugging at his eyelids.

‘Listen to them out there,’ he thought sleepily, as his eyes closed. ‘Wouldn’t it be great to wake up like this every morning? Knowing my family was just down stairs or down the hall? I could just lay in bed and hear the boys running down the hall, or Dotty moving through the house on her way to…’

He jerked his head quickly, realizing he’d fallen asleep again and forced his eyes opened once more. “Get up,” he groaned to himself, rubbing his hand down into the sleeping bag and across his chest wearily.

With a resigned sigh, he kicked at the covers once, then again before his mind clicked and realized he was in the sleeping bag still. ‘Unzip the bag stupid,’ he chided himself feeling for the long metal zipper along the side.

Fumbling around in the dark, he finally managed to locate the zipper, surprised that he had somehow twisted the whole bag around his body and it now lay beneath him instead of to his left where it had been when he’d fallen asleep. With a grunt and a frustrated toss of the pillow across the tent because it kept falling where he was working, he eventually found himself free of the bag and sitting in the middle of the floor.

Drawing his legs up to his chest, he sat there, shivering slightly in the cool air, the bag piled in a heap along side him, his head resting in his hands. “Move Stetson,” he commanded quietly. “Get up and get dressed or you’re going to freeze your ass off in these thin boxers.”

Not moving from his spot he reached out, feeling half-asleep for the carry bag somewhere to his left until his fingers came across the strap. Dragging it toward him, he unzipped the small case and drew out a pair of pants, then straightened his legs and jerked them up his body quickly. Running his fingers through his hair, he rubbed his face once again, the forced himself to rise from his position and pushed the flap of the tent aside.

The cool morning air assaulted his half-dressed form the instant the flap moved causing him to shiver violently as he stepped from the tent. “Good God it’s cold out here,” he complained, moving toward the fire, rubbing his hands briskly across his chest and arms. “I thought it was summer time, what happened?”

“There’s my morning grizzly bear,” Amanda called affectionately moving toward the fire as the boys snickered at him. Pouring a cup of coffee from the pot, she quickly added a small amount of milk to it, then all but thrust it into his hands. “Drink,” she commanded with a wonderful smile.

Lee did as she ordered wrapping both hands around the steaming cup and took a deep swig of the strong liquid. With a sigh he relished in the feeling of its hot contents streaming through his body and followed the first deep swallow with a second and a third. Giving her a weak smile and nodding his thanks he concentrated on the mug in hand and the fire that was quickly warming his chilly torso.

“It’s cold,” he muttered still shivering slightly.

Amanda laughed, leaning in to deliver a soft morning kiss along his beard stubbled cheek. “If I had nothing on but my jeans, I’d be cold too,” she responded.

“If you had nothing on but your jeans, I wouldn’t let you get cold,” he retorted with a twinkle in his eyes, taking another drink. “Could I have a refill please?”

As she moved to comply, Jamie held up his plate toward Lee. “Come and sit down, have some breakfast with us. Mom made a great feast over here.”

But Lee shook his head, rubbing his hands together over the small blaze before him. “No thanks. As much as I love your mother’s cooking, I don’t do breakfast. Coffee’s fine and this fire. I really need to stay by the fire for a few more minutes,” he muttered taking the cup back from Amanda as she handed it over.

“You’re not much of a morning person are you?” Phillip commented between bites.

“Not if I can help it,” Lee agreed, immersing himself back into the warmth of his cup and it’s contents. “I’m more of a night owl.”

Jamie laughed, shaking his head. “Then you should be fine. It’s still dark.”

“Very funny,” Lee grumbled giving him a look.

“You sure you don’t want anything to eat? We can have your share?” Phillip asked reaching for the plate of bacon sitting in front of them.

“Knock yourself out.”

“Great, you need all the energy you can when you're out fishing,” he muttered shoving another piece into his mouth then forking in some eggs.

“We’ve got everything ready. The rods and tackle are sitting by the car. As soon as we’re finished we can go down,” Jamie piped in, taking a drink from his hot chocolate.

Lee nodded mutely still trying to get his brain to wake up and realize he was ready to function. ‘Fishing, I can do fishing. We sit on the bank, and watch the rods, I can do this,’ he kept repeated to himself as his shivering finally calmed down to an occasional tremor. “Manda, I need to shave…” he muttered absently looking around. “Please tell me I’m not going to have to walk down to the bathhouses this early and stand in there and freeze my butt off.”

“You have to shave right this minute?” she returned with a look from where she was kneeling down next to the fire. “Do you have a pressing engagement that I don’t know about?”

“Well no, it’s just that…”

“I think you’re kinda sexy in that rough, unkempt sort of way,” she teased with a twinkle in her eyes. “You’ve got that Grizzly Adams, mountain man looking working, I find it very stimulating.” He gave her a sideways look causing her to laugh. “We’re here to relax and have fun, go fishing with the boys and you can shave while you’re taking a shower after you come back.”

“This is what I get for being allergic to those damn electric razors,” he muttered under his breath. He had picked one up a few years back, thinking he could carry it with him on stakeouts and get a quick shave in, but he soon discovered that his skin didn’t appreciate the razor after the first attempt.

His cheeks had broken out in a rash that took him a week to get rid of and had embarrassed the hell out of him. He’d had to stay out of the sight of just about everyone, holing up in his apartment as much as he could and begging Billy for all the paperwork he could send his way. It was a week of hell he didn’t wanted to relive and the razor had been thrown in the back of his drawer never to see the light of day again.

He hated whiskers of any kind, they drove him nuts to feel them rubbing along his face. The first thing he did every morning after getting out of bed was shave. Amanda knew that.

“What was that?” she inquired.

“Nothing dear,” he returned with a smile. “I can shave later.” Drinking down the last of his second cup with a deep swallow, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, handing the cup toward his wife. “Keep that warm please, I’m going to need another cup when I come back. I’m heading down for a quick bathroom break and to brush my teeth then I’ll be ready to go. I’m not lingering in that damn place any longer than I have to at this time of morning. It’s going to be cold as hell inside.”

“At least you don’t have to sit down,” she complained lightly.

With a smile he disappeared back into his tent, taking a flashlight with him. Pulling on his socks and shoes, he snagged a shirt and made his way down the road, knowing the brisk walk through the chilly morning air would be more than enough to wake him up completely.

* * *

When he returned Amanda was waiting with a fresh cup of coffee and a full thermos, which she handed over without hesitation. Lee took the offered provisions willingly, cradling the thermos under his arm. “Take this and have a good time with the boys,” she added giving him a quick kiss.

“We’re going to catch a ton of fish mom, I hope you’re ready to cook ‘em all,” Jamie said excitedly as he and Phillip handed out the items to carry. Lee got to be the bearer of the lantern while they juggled the rods and tackle boxes between them.

“Oh I’m ready,” she called after them as they started off. “Just be careful.”

“Okay, sure. How much trouble can we get into at the lake? It’s not like we’re going out in the water,” Phillip complained.

“Hey if you’re anything like your mother, you’d be surprised,” Lee shot back with a laugh. “You’d be amazed at the things she gets wrapped up in.”

They made their way down the rode and past two other unoccupied campsites before cutting through the small section of woods that separated them from the lake. Following the path they had found the evening before Lee went first shinning the lantern along the trail carefully so none of them would stumble over a root or lose their balance on the small downhill incline.

Before long they found themselves standing along the sloping banks of the lake, its dark waters stretching out before them in the distance of the brightening morning. It wasn’t quite sun up but the morning sky was staring to lighten overhead, casting a pale blue hue to their surrounds.

“Let’s see if we can’t find somewhere clear enough to sit down at,” he suggested looking to the boys for their approval. “It’s kinda overgrown here and I’d prefer not to end up in the drink if I lose my balance.”

“That’s fine, let’s try this way,” Phillip agreed, motioning to their right. “It looks like there’s a path here and it might lead to a decent fishing hole.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Lee acknowledged working his way around the boy and starting out, making sure they were both behind him. “Be careful, if either of you come back wet your mother’s going to skin me alive.”

Jamie snickered from the back of their little pack. “We can swim Lee, it’s not like we’re going to drown on you or anything. We’ve been swimming since we could walk.”

“It’s the principle of it Jamie,” he returned shaking his head. “She sent you with me dry, I’d just as soon return you in the same condition. Whether or not you two know it, your mother’s got a mean streak that really scares me sometimes,” he teased.

Both boys laughed behind him as they moved along the small path. “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger, that’s what it is,” Phillip added as the path began to widen.

“Perhaps she does,” Lee said with a smile, turning toward them. “But I’m not complaining in the least. How about this? Does this work for you? I think we can all fit here and there’s plenty of open space to throw the rods.”

“This is fine, let’s set up and start fishing,” Jamie agreed sitting the tackle box on the ground beside the base of a large tree.

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