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Summary: November 2, 2007 Challenge Line
Rated: Teen
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King Characters: Amanda King, Lee Stetson
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3087 Read: 98347
Published: 14/07/08 Updated: 14/07/08
Story Notes:
Instructions: You must use the above line of dialogue in your story exactly as stated. Don't forget your submission can be any length - from one line to a
full-length story - and it can be SMK, B5 or anything else as long as it has a link to either SMK or B5.

1. Chapter 1 - Cheryl by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (184 words)

2. Chapter 2 - Annette by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (315 words)

3. Chapter 3 - Sue by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (154 words)

4. Chapter 4 - Patti by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (235 words)

5. Chapter 5 - Julie T by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (377 words)
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Shoot the Moon and Warner Brothers et als. I don't own 'em, don't want to, just want to borrow them for some fun!

Timeline: Approximately 2 years after the show ended, marriage is not a secret anymore.

Cast List: Lee Stetson; a very pregnant Amanda Stetson, their young daughter Emily Stetson, and two mysterious observers.

Set: A playground in Lee's and Amanda's neighborhood with beautiful, tall oak trees surrounding the children's play area.

6. Chapter 6 - Jenn by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (301 words)
Okay, so here is my response to this week's challenge. In my story, Philip is about 6 years old so Jamie would be about 4. This story was inspired by my own little adventure and I included that at the end.

7. Letting Go - Lynda by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (766 words)
Standard disclaimers apply. Sorry about any errors, I know they're out there. Also sorry about the not standard disclaimer presentation but I was in a hurry. You all know the general drill—not done for money, characters not mine except for those that are original.

8. Chapter 8 - Ange by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (104 words)

9. Danger, Intrigue - Kris by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (240 words)

10. Firm and Fun - Kris by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (331 words)
All you need to know, Jan made me laugh and dared me.
Shouldn't dare The Kris in an IM. One more, this counts right?

11. Chapter 11- Angela C by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (80 words)

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