[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: January 4, 2008 Challenge Line
Rated: Teen
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King Characters: Amanda King, Lee Stetson
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes
Word count: 5546 Read: 79805
Published: 10/07/08 Updated: 10/07/08
Story Notes:
Instructions: You must use the above line of dialogue in your story. Don't forget your submission can be any length - from one line to a full-length story - and it can be SMK, B5 or anything else as long as it has a link to either SMK or B5.

1. Chapter 1 - Lisa by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (57 words)

2. Chapter 2 - Alleycat by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (152 words)
Hey Cheryl I was writing and you know I type slow. Besides I promised to write it and I did, don't I atleast get credit for that. My poor little fingers were about to freeze off too...

Schizen (since Amanda doesn't let Lee say "Oh S..." in front of the boys.)

3. Mobile Waters - Jan G by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (838 words)
Disclaimers: Scarecrow and Mrs. King is copyrighted to Warner Brothers and Shoot the Moon Production Company. I have borrowed the characters without the permission of WB & Shoot the Moon. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY, and I do not wish to use this story to profit off of the borrowed characters. This story, however, is copyrighted to the mentioned author.

Author's note: Thanks again to Cheryl for letting me adopt her Leatherneck and Francine. This short follows on from my previous challenge piece "History in the Making".

4. Chapter 4 - Monica by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (355 words)

5. Chapter 5 - Julie T by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (228 words)
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Shoot the Moon and Warner Brothers et als. I don't own 'em, don't want to, just want to borrow them for some fun! Movie character mentioned in this story belongs to Paramount Pictures.

Timeline: 1989

6. Chapter 6 - Patti by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (143 words)
Scarecrow and Mrs. King and its characters are the property of the WB and Shoot the Moon Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only.

7. Chapter 7 - Sue by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (127 words)

8. Chapter 8 - Jenn by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (418 words)
Here's my response for this week's challenge. Another idea based on a childhood antic of mine. So enjoy!

9. Chapter 9 - Julie T by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (267 words)
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Shoot the Moon and Warner Brothers et als. I don't own 'em, don't want to, just want to borrow them for some fun!

10. A Western Memory - Amy F by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (2257 words)
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, just borrowing them. Thanks Warner Bros.

Timeframe: Set during the series, but right after the end of “Santa’s Got a Brand New Bag”; in essence a tag extension for the episode. “Santa’s Got a Brand New Bag” was written by Lloyd Pye.

11. Chapter 11 - Ange by Friday Challenge [Reviews - 0] (704 words)

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