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Walking toward bullpen Amanda King was lost in her thoughts. Her weekend was a pleasant one because she went on a case with her partner, Lee, The Scarecrow- Not that he would ever consider her a partner, nooooo, how he put it "You were an emergency!"

Grrrr that man is a monument of arrogance, he "think" he is the best, and maybe he is, but at the same time he forgot how many times she save his butt--well a cute butt, if anyone would ask her.

"Lost in thoughts, about Cumberland Amanda? I know that Lee wasn't that happy when I couldn't go. So what were the sleeping arrangements, I happened to know that only one room was booked?"

"All was well Francine, we had the work done, we cracked the case, hadn't we?"

I think that dentist didn't do a good job, I would pull off that sharp tongue too!" were Amanda's new thoughts walking toward Billy's office.

Lee was already inside. Damn he was sexy! Slowing her steps all the memories from time at the resort came back, the way he kissed her hand, the husky tone of his voice calling her "darling" the touch of his hand on her back, it almost brought her to climax. It was too much time since any man talked and touched her like that, and the fact that is was Lee doing it, made the things harder. Of course, the hell would freeze before she would let him know that. She had to work harder not to look and act like the steno pool dropping things and fainting in his way.

Billy congratulate them both for the good job, and she was happy to be included, after all it was a "we" not a "me" case.

After finished typing the report Amanda, remember she had to return the ring to Lee, and seeing him in the hallway talking to Francine, didn't lose the time and walk to them.

"Lee, here is your ring. See you tomorrow, Francine."

Waiting in front of the elevator, she could hear the blonde's voice.

"Not a very rewarding weekend Scarecrow, well now I think you regret taking her with you. Don't worry we could spend a wonderful time there. What are you doing next Saturday?"

"Can it Francine!"

Amanda's smile grew wider, and looking at them saw Francine huff and better she saw Lee wink at her. Definitely the day was better and better, and the fight she would have with the boys tonight feel easier. She will win, because no way she would let them see "Poltergeist" the new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movie.
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