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Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimers: Scarecrow and Mrs. King is copyrighted to Warner Brothers and Shoot the Moon Production Company. I have borrowed the characters without the permission of WB & Shoot the Moon. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY, and I do not wish to use this story to profit off of the borrowed characters. This story, however, is copyrighted to the mentioned author.

Author’s note: This was written for the Friday Challenge issued on 4/25/08; the prompt line was “Amanda, your code name is now ______” (fill in the blank). This one just came to me this morning; I realize that the challenge from last week is over, but hey, I couldn’t stop Myrtle once she started whispering in my ear. I also have my son to thank for this one, as he has suddenly become a huge fan of the soundtrack to the musical and movie for the codename Amanda’s given in this story. (I won’t mention here the name of the story/movie/show, as it would give it away.)
Taming the Beast

Lee and Amanda stood pacing back and forth outside Billy’s office.

“Why is he taking so long?” Lee grumbled to his wife as he passed her for the fifth or was it sixth time.

Amanda shrugged. “I don’t know, but I just hope he doesn’t still expect the Rumbald case report on time.”

Lee was about to comment when Billy’s door opened, and Dr. Smyth, a smug smile on his face, walked out.

Dr. Smyth nodded slyly at the two agents who appeared to have stopped mid-stride and continued on his way out of the bullpen.

Amanda and Lee exchanged a quick glance at each other and then, without even waiting for their section chief to wave them in, entered Billy’s office.

“Well?” Lee huffed out as soon as they were inside and the door was closed.

Billy, his agent mask in place, looked from one agent to the other, then fixed his gaze solely on the one who had been the sole subject of discussion for the last three hours. “Amanda, your codename is now, Belle.”

“Bell?” Lee asked, dumfounded, “as in it tolls for thee? I don’t get it.”

Billy shook his head, doing his best to keep his face straight. “No, Belle as in Belle of Beauty and the Beast.”

Amanda smiled. “I like it sir, thank you.”

Lee, who had never read the story, didn’t quite understand the meaning behind the name. He glanced from his wife to his boss. “Does someone want to fill me in?”

Billy allowed the smile to show on his face now. “She’s the beauty that tamed the beast.” He looked directly at Lee when he said the last word, his smile spreading to an all out grin. “Now out of my office, Scarecrow and Belle. I expect the Rumbald report on my desk in one hour.”

Amanda, her face radiant, headed out of their section chief’s office with her husband right behind her, muttering and grumbling under his breath. Beauty and the Beast happened to be one of her favorite stories, and there was no denying that Lee could definitely be a beast at times…and not an altogether unpleasant one at that, but he had changed a great deal since she’d first met him almost five years ago.

Amanda glanced back at her husband, who opened his mouth to say something. She arched an eyebrow, daring him to protest that her codename wasn’t well suited for her, and he promptly closed it again. She turned her attention back on the hallway in front of her, smiling triumphantly as they made their way towards the elevator. Ah yes, she had indeed tamed the beast.

The End
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