Amanda checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. If Lee
didn't come downstairs soon, they were going to be late.
Since they were the hosts of this little shindig, it wasn't a good idea for
them to show up after the other guests arrived.
She'd just have to go up and see what was keeping him. Climbing the stairs
she called, "Lee, what's taking so long?"
"I can't get it in the hole," he answered. "Why do they have to make these
buttons so tiny?"
She walked up beside him and nudges his fingers away. "Here, let me do that.
You go down and warm up the car."
He kissed her on the nose before heading out. She leaned over the railing of
the crib and quickly slipped the tiny pearl buttons through the small holes.
When she was finished, she scooped up her daughter, making sure to hold the
baby under the slippery silk of her Baptism dress.
Amanda slung the diaper bag over her shoulder, picked up her purse, and
carried her daughter out to the car, where Lee waited to escort them to the first
of many special occasions to come.