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Story Notes:
We’re going take a short break from your regularly scheduled Friday Challenge.

Instead of issuing a line, with a prize story for ten responses, this week, we’re going to offer up a challenge issued by one of the Wicky members.

Recently Lynn wrote a great little piece called “Ten Little Letters.” Each set of ten letters were turning points in Lee Stetson’s life. Lynn offered up the following challenge:

See if you can come up with another set of “Ten Little Letters”.

Your story can be of any length, and, to make it even more interesting, you can use either Lee Stetson or any of the other characters. For those that aren’t aware of what the ten little letters are, its ten letters equaling a phrase that was a turning point in Lee’s life.

The ten little letters already used, in the life of Lee Stetson were:

“Not Exactly”
“They’re Dead”
“I’m pregnant”
“You’re Hired”
“Wizard of Oz”
“Paul Barnes”
“Eric Newton”
“Walk with me”
“Amanda King”
Francine Desmond was still tapping her foot near her little red Mustang, in the same place where Lee Stetson left her minutes ago, seconds before hightailing his Vette toward that stupid PTA party.

She couldn't believe he would refuse her invitation to dinner or drinks, when other past cases or stakeouts finished at Ned or Randy. There were at least twelve or more months if she recalled well that he quietly withdraw himself from the social circle, from bars and
parties, from everything he was a permanent fixture before.

Francine needed to think and climb in the little car and took the way to the nearby park, then while there, she pulled her coat around and stayed at one of the little tables near the pond.

Her hands began to trail patterns on the table, using some lines there were already there. Looking better, she saw the lines were ones used by the people who played backgammon in the park.

"Backgammon" that little word brought pleasant memories and a dreamy smile on her face, those few times she played that special game with Lee. He was there when she needed him, truth to be told she wanted more but they were cut from the same material and need the space.

It was well known that Lee had four black books, but no one knew she had three, she, as well as him liked to play around looking for special little moments when all the stress of their job to be forgot.

She, Francine Desmond still did that - a real example was tonight’s date, but now when she thought better, lately Lee wasn't in the mood of wandering through the town. Every time she or any other agent tried to make him join, he always found an excuse and vanished. And it wasn't only their company he avoided; he wasn't seen with any of his usual backgammon partners.

"Maybe this evening’s party, was a sign he was changed, a sign that his backgammon player days were over, forever in the past" a fleeting thought passed through Francine's mind, and she knew it was the truth.

Lee seemed to be happy in this knew skin, and maybe, maybe his partner, Amanda had something to do with that; she changed him and while it was hard for the blonde agent to admit, Lee had changed Amanda too.

Making the way back to her car, another thought made it's way in Francine's mind, if Lee was changed maybe she had a chance too, she didn't want to admit but she was tired of playing that type of backgammon. Maybe she will find someone special too...

The little red car took speed toward her place taking home a blond agent and her new found hopes.
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