Summary: A scene that I think should have been in LMT (IMO), but then I'm a Babe.
Rated: Teen
Categories: Stephanie Plum Characters: Ranger
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 775 Read: 3829
Published: 01/06/08 Updated: 01/06/08
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: The world of Plum is the Property of J. Evanovich, I just borrowed Ranger for the purposes of this story.
Author’s Notes: A while ago I a story called Domino on ffnet. The author had rewritten the strip club scene from LMT and replaced Joe for Ranger in it. I realized that I didn't remember the original all that well. So of course I went back to read it again. While reading I realized that a short from Ranger's POV was crying out to be written. So I wrote it. Many thanks to AmyF, my partner in crime, for beta’ing this for me.1. Chapter 1 by JanG [Reviews - 1] (775 words)