Summary: #4 in the Franny & Tony series. Beaman hears something that maybe he shouldn't have.
Rated: Teen
Categories: Scarecrow and Mrs. King Characters: Beaman, Francine Desmond, Leatherneck
Genres: Comedy
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Franny and Tony Series
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1231 Read: 3974
Published: 01/06/08 Updated: 01/06/08
Story Notes:
Disclaimers: Scarecrow and Mrs. King is copyrighted to Warner Brothers and Shoot the Moon Production Company. I have borrowed the characters without the permission of WB & Shoot the Moon. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY, and I do not wish to use this story to profit off of the borrowed characters. This story, however, is copyrighted to the mentioned author.
Author’s note: Thanks again to Cheryl for letting me adopt her Leatherneck and Francine. This was written for the Friday Challenge; the prompt line was “Where did you learn to do that?” Many thanks to Amy for beta’ing this for me.
1. Chapter 1 by JanG [Reviews - 0] (1231 words)