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Author: VetteGirlScrcrw2

Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance - Reviews: 9 - Published: 08-16-05 - Updated: 08-16-05 id:2538402

The usual SMK legalese applies, like always!


Lee Stetson paced nervously around his apartment, scanning the room to make sure that everything was in proper order.





He swallowed nervously as he studied his bed. Freshly laundered linens now covered the mattress; the bed turned down, as if awaiting the occupant to climb in and go to sleep. Except tonight, there would be no sleeping, at least not at first.

Tonight was different.

Tonight was special.

In that freshly made bed, under the shadows created by the flickering flames of the candlelight, accompanied by the sensual sounds of romantic melodies, there would be a different type of activity.

Tonight was about celebrations.

His Amanda was safe and sound, recovered from her ordeal under the threatening hands of Adi Birol, and right where she belonged. His Manda was now more than just his partner or even his best friend.

The sound of the bathroom door opening caught Lee’s attention and he looked to where she stood, framed in the light from the bathroom in the doorway.

Her mouth was parted slightly, in surprise at all he had done in preparation for tonight’s celebration. Clad in a silky cream colored negligee she was simply beautiful and tonight she was his.

Amanda had done him the honor of accepting his proposal, she had agreed to become his wife.

Oh yes, tonight there would be celebrating, of the most sensual and romantic kind known to man. Tonight, Lee Stetson would make love to his fiancée.

As he walked towards her, taking her slightly trembling hand in his, he smiled reassuringly at her.

Lee gave her a gentle kiss, then pulled away to take in her beauty.

"Join me?" he asked her in a very sexy voice that melted her heart.

"Yes," Amanda replied.

Lifting her left hand up, Lee looked at the diamond that now rested on her finger, sparkling in the light. He placed a sweet kiss on her palm, then lifted her into his arms.

He carried her to the bed and thus began their night, tonight.

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