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Story Notes:
Disclaimer: 'Scarecrow and Mrs. King' belongs to Shoot the Moon and Warner Brothers Productions.

Dedication: This was written for Cheryl's birthday. Thanks for all you do to keep us together as a group, BL!!
This was a crummy assignment. A year ago – hell, six months ago – he would probably be having the time of his life. But somewhere along the way, things had changed. Lee just wasn’t ready to admit it.

Rumors had been filtering in to the Agency that terrorists from the Middle East were somehow passing information to one another at Auggie’s place of “business.” Lee had secretly looked forward to an excuse to go back to the mud wrestling bar, if only to try and kick-start his old, carousing habits.

As it turned out, Auggie had branched out to a “ladies only” club, and a pretty upscale one at that. Catering to female clientele, it was the type of business that left only one option for Lee to be there night after night – employee.

While in Billy’s office discussing the set-up for his cover, Francine could barely contain her amusement at the thought of him working at Bare Essences. Throughout the meeting, she alternated between fighting to control her laughter, and studying him with an appraising eye.

Lee made it perfectly clear – he would not, under any circumstances, get on stage in costume and do a “strip tease down to a g-string.” He smirked with satisfaction when Francine choked on her coffee.

Mixing drinks all night would keep him too tied down behind the bar. That left going undercover as a waiter. ‘Great,’ he thought with disgust, ‘busting my ass all night serving drinks.’ As if that wasn't bad enough, he soon learned that the dancers weren't the only ones in costume.

Lee and the other waiters – Steve, Gary and Conrad – were all bare-chested and wearing tight, black leather pants. The only thing left to the imagination was whether or not Conrad was a natural blonde.

So, here he stood at the servers’ station waiting for the drink order he’d placed and thinking what a crummy assignment this was. It was Lee's third night working at Bare Essences and he had yet to gain any information about the terrorists. His shift ran until 1:30 a.m., but each night by about 11:00 he began to wish he could leave, make his nightly drive past 4247 Maplewood, and head home.

He’d finally come to accept his compulsion to drive past Amanda’s house each night, just to be sure everything was okay. Some nights he parked hidden on a side street and watched the house for a few minutes. Other times he felt it necessary to get out of the car and walk the perimeter.

When he first realized this was getting to be a nightly routine, Lee tried forcing himself to go straight home. But he would lay in bed, unable to sleep, while images flashed through his head of all the times in the past when trouble had found Amanda. He would then get out of bed, get dressed, and drive the familiar route, spending the extra hour it took to reassure himself.

“Order up!” the bartender’s call brought him back to the present. Turning to deliver the drinks to table five, Lee saw Steve seating a group at the one remaining front row table with a “reserved” sign. Just in time, too. Five minutes before show time, reservation or not, all open tables were made available to women waiting for no-shows. The four women were all giggling, obviously out for a good time.

Lee worked his way over to table five. Playing the game, he gave the two women his sexiest, dimpled smile when they tucked dollar bills beneath the waist of his pants, then gritted his teeth when one of their hands went a little further than necessary. Leaning to his left to take the next table's order, he caught a glimpse of the four newcomers. The one with soft, brunette curls looked around to check out the place and Lee saw her profile. 'Oh my God…Amanda!' Just then the house lights dimmed and the stage lights came on. Smoke, simulating fog, began to rise from the stage and the announcer's voice could be heard over the sound system.

It couldn't be her! Billy had said nothing about Amanda being involved in this assignment – nothing! Her attention was drawn to the stage and his view of her profile was lost. Lee strained to study her in the darkness, but could no longer be sure of what he saw.

"Waiter, can you please take our order?" The blonde at his elbow had been trying to get his attention. They wanted to get their drinks before the show started.

Joining Steve back at the servers' station, Lee called out the order to the bartender then turned and again studied the brown curls. There was something about the way she held herself. Unsure, he thought it could be Amanda. When she shifted her chair to get a better view of the stage, Lee saw her face and knew. 'What the hell is she doing here?' he wondered. Billy must have needed to get some information to him tonight. He would have to keep an eye on her to see when she stepped away from the table to make contact.

Steve grabbed his order, and Lee noticed four perfectly chilled martinis sitting atop the tray.

"Hey, is that for the table down front?" Lee asked, nodding toward Amanda's group.

"Yeah," Steve confirmed. "Nice looking group…there's one brunette with the prettiest doe eyes," he grinned at Lee. "And she's not wearing a ring," he winked at Lee before turning to wind his way between the tables.

Lee scowled. Great, now he'd also have to keep an eye on Steve.

He watched as Steve served the drinks at Amanda's table, and saw his smile grow wider when Amanda said something to him. 'What's she doing, drinking a martini?' Lee grumbled to himself. 'She knows how gin affects her.'

Once when they were trolling the bars of M Street looking for one of Lee's snitches, Amanda had ordered a gin and tonic. Lee had raised an eyebrow at her, knowing she usually just sipped a glass of wine, especially if they were on the job. After just one drink, she had actually become quite…playful.

Amanda apologized the next day for anything she may have said or done that was "unprofessional," explaining that gin always seemed to have that affect on her. She hadn't exactly been out of line with anything, but she certainly was less inhibited than usual. Lee had thought it was fun.

Still waiting for his order, Lee leaned against the bar and began to pay attention to the announcer's words.

"Ladies, now that we've welcomed you to our club, let me introduce our first performer. This is a new number for him, and he's put in many long, hard hours to make it memorable for you. He's a little nervous about it, so you can help him out by letting him know how much you enjoy it. Please welcome our first performer…Bruce!" The house lights dimmed further and the audience began to applaud as a spotlight lit up center stage. Standing in the middle was Bruce, wearing a trench coat, dark glasses and a fedora-style hat. The beginning guitar riff of "Secret Agent Man" began to play and Lee snorted derisively. ‘Give me a break!' But as Bruce began to dance, the women's welcoming applause turned to screams and whistles. Lee had to admit, the guy could move.

Lee looked to Amanda, wanting to catch her eye and make contact so she could leave. But, the performer on stage had her transfixed – her eyes never left him.

He turned his attention to the object of her fascination. Bruce danced across the stage with a natural ease – he and the music were one. In perfect time to the driving beat, he loosened the belt of the trench coat and toyed with the lapels. Letting his fingers graze up and down his ribcage, he provided teasing glimpses of skin beneath. The music paused for a heartbeat then pounded into the chorus on a hard note. On cue, Bruce grabbed the lapels and whipped the coat open to reveal a well-muscled chest and a pair of blue silk boxers. His hips swiveled as though the throbbing pulse of the bass controlled his body. With a fluid motion he threw his head back and shrugged the coat off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

Looking back at Amanda, Lee saw her eyes were locked on the dancer as his arms, hips and legs moved with uninhibited abandon to the sensual beat. From somewhere, a memory came to him. 'I used to have fantasies about secret agents,' Amanda had told him once. It must have been at least two years ago, soon after they met. That memory, and the look on her face, left him with an uneasy feeling.

Hearing the audience screams reach a crescendo, Lee turned back to the stage in time to see Bruce pull hard on the waistband of his boxers, breaking the Velcro seams and leaving him gyrating on stage in hat, dark glasses and g-string. He swung the blue silk fabric over his head then tossed the boxers into the audience. For one horrible second, Lee thought Amanda would be the one to catch them, but the woman sitting next to her was too quick and snatched the silk out of the air.

The song was coming to an end. Bruce's nearly naked body moved with an energy that matched the frenzied music. On the final, drawn-out guitar strum, Bruce dropped to his knees and slid along the stage. Throwing his head and torso back over a stiff arm supporting his weight, his momentum carried him six feet before skidding to a stop, knees spread, directly in front of Amanda's table.

Lee watched aghast as the women in the club, Amanda included, stood up to applaud and whistle at the performance. What the hell was she in such a frenzy about? It was just a dance!

"LEE!" he heard his name yelled behind him and looked around to the bartender. "Damn, man! Pay attention – your order is here." Lee picked up the tray of drinks, but when he turned to deliver them he saw Amanda headed toward the ladies' room. Dropping the tray on the bar with no explanation, he took off after her, ignoring the bartender's loud curses.

The place was crowded and Lee felt like he was in a pinball machine as he tried to work his way through the mass of women who, for some reason, thought he was fair game for their exploring hands. Ignoring all of it, his eyes were fixed on Amanda as he tried to catch up to her.

Two more steps and … Lee grabbed Amanda by the elbow and spun her around. She gasped in surprise before recognizing him. "Lee! What are you…do–ing…" her voice trailed off and twin spots of color flushed her cheeks as her eyes trailed to his bare chest. After a few lingering moments, she snapped her eyes back to his face. "What are you doing here?" she asked, trying hard to hide her embarrassment.

"I might ask you the same thing," he growled through clenched teeth. "Aren't you supposed to be contacting me?"

"No! Why would you think…?" Amanda stopped short and her eyes widened. "Are you undercover?" she asked, taking in his appearance. "Oh my gosh! You are! Oh Lee, does my being here spoil your cover? Have I ruined something? Because, I didn't know you would be here. How would I know? No one told me…."

"Amanda," Lee impatiently cut off her rush of words. No one could talk like Amanda when she was flustered. "No, you haven't blown my cover – yet. Why are you here?"

"Well, it's Cheryl's birthday," she gestured to her friend. "We're here to celebrate."

"You came here for the show?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm sure I don't have to remind you that you have a mother and two young boys waiting at home."

Amanda pursed her lips in annoyance as she tugged the strap of her purse further up her shoulder. "First of all, why would that matter? And second, the boys are at a sleepover tonight and mother went to the Poconos for the weekend with Captain Kurt. So you see," Amanda placed her hand on her hip, "I didn't have to ask anyone's permission and I can actually stay out past midnight!" She ended sarcastically with the tinge of color back in her cheeks – this time from anger.

He didn't know what to say to that. Lee had always pictured Amanda home and in bed by 10:00 p.m., quietly reading a book or something.

"Do you need me for anything?" she asked.

Surprised by the abrupt question, Lee shook his head in confusion. "No…I don't need –"

"Alright then," she cut in. "I'll see you at the office tomorrow."

Amanda turned to leave him and Lee once again grabbed her elbow.

"Lee!" she protested as he guided her toward the front door. "What are you doing?"

"You're leaving," he had to yell into her ear as the music once again blared over the sound system for the next performance.

"No I'm not!" Amanda wrenched her arm from his grasp. "Why would I leave? I'm here with my friends."

"You don't belong here Amanda," Lee's voice strained to be heard over the loud music. She opened her mouth to protest, but Lee cut her off. "Besides, you could ruin my cover," he lied, but he knew Amanda would always be concerned about the job.

Uncertain, Amanda glanced to her friends then back at Lee. "What will Cheryl think if I leave with you…dressed like that?"

"Let them think what they want. You're going home, now!"

Amanda looked over her shoulder at the table where her friends sat. Cheryl turned her head just in time to see Amanda being propelled toward the front door. Obviously getting the wrong idea, she gave Amanda the "thumbs-up." A huge grin of approval spread across Cheryl's face as she twirled the blue silk boxers above her head.

The drive to Amanda's was silent. She was fuming over his treatment of her, but Lee didn't care. He was pissed.

What the hell was she thinking, hanging out in a club like that? Not to mention the fact that she could have totally blown his cover just by being there! Well, maybe not just by being there, but she certainly could have screwed things up some how.

In record time Lee was easing the Corvette to the curb in front of her house. Amanda's hand was pulling on the door handle before the car even stopped. As he yanked on the emergency brake, she was already at her front gate.

Lee quickly unfolded his long frame from the low-slung car and caught up with her at the door just as she was turning the key in the lock. "What are you so angry about?" he demanded. "I did you a favor, getting you out of that place."

"Favor? You think you did me a favor?" When she turned to look at him and her eyes locked with his, Lee knew he was in trouble. He didn't think he'd ever seen her that angry.

"I'm a grown woman, Lee! Not just someone's daughter, not just a mother, and certainly not just a partner. I enjoy men. I enjoy looking at men. I was having a great time with my friends!" Amanda's eyes flashed and her cheeks were flushed. Angry breaths rushed through her parted lips. "What gives you the right to interfere with my time outside the office?"

As Lee's mind raced to come up with an excuse for his actions, he was shocked by the jolt of heat in his groin. Amanda was a woman, a beautiful, passionate woman. She could make him feel things he'd never expected, react in ways totally foreign to him. Lee had been using anger and annoyance to push her away – to distance himself. But, try as he might, he could no longer deny his attraction to her, or the sexual tension he'd begun to feel whenever he was near her. The snug fit of the leather became even tighter as he felt his body react to her.

"Well?" she demanded, crossing her arms in front of her and shifting her weight to one hip.

"Damnit!" he cursed then suddenly grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her to him. Lee felt Amanda's body stiffen with surprise as his mouth came down to claim hers. His lips slanted across hers and continued their assault until he felt her relax against him with a sigh.

Her body leaned into his, and the kiss turned from angry to passionate. Wrapping his other arm around her waist, Lee pulled her against his hips, wanting her to feel his need. Amanda's arms wound around his neck and she clung to him. His tongue teased her lips, demanding entrance, and she opened her mouth to him. As his slick flesh probed and explored her, Amanda sucked and swirled around him.

Lee pushed her backwards through the open doorway. Kicking the door closed, he turned and leaned Amanda against it, pressing his body to the full length of hers. His thick erection strained painfully against the tight leather, but the feeling of her body pressed against him was pure bliss.

His hand trailed from the back of her neck to trace a path along her collarbone. Resting his fingertips at the hollow of her throat, he felt the pulse racing there. Lee's fingers brushed lower to the buttons on her blouse before he suddenly ended the kiss. Pulling back to look into her eyes, he searched for her reaction – seeking permission.

Without a word, Amanda leaned to re-capture his lips and Lee moaned when her tongue began its own exploration. He lingered over the pleasure of unbuttoning her blouse before sliding it from her shoulders, letting it flutter to the floor. Lee ran his hands over the silky fabric of her camisole, and Amanda gasped when his palms lightly brushed over the hardened peaks of her breasts. "Amanda," he breathed and bent to kiss first one then the other tempting nipple through the silk. She threaded her fingers into his hair and held him to her as he began to suck and nip on her sensitive flesh, enjoying how eagerly the tight nubs reacted to his teasing. Releasing his silk-covered prize, Lee blew cool air across the wet fabric; the tight bud strained against its confinement.

Lee kissed his way up to her collarbone, using his tongue to explore the smooth ridge before finding the pulse point at the base of her throat. The feel of that rapid throb beneath his lips caused his own blood to surge.

Bringing his lips back to hers, they both reached to undo confining buttons and zippers. Amanda's hand trailed along his length behind the rasp of metal as she lowered his zipper. Lee's erection sprang free of the tight leather and grew even harder when her slender fingers wrapped around him to begin an agonizingly slow, erotically steady, pace.

Of their own will, his hips began to move into her hand, matching her rhythm. Needing to stop her before it all ended too soon, Lee grabbed her wrist to still her movements. He reached for the hem of her camisole and she had to release him to raise her arms above her head. The thick weight of his erection ached as he stared at her bare breasts, the dusky peaks begging for attention. Amanda reached behind him and pulled him to her breast, urging him to suck as she arched herself to his mouth.

Using his left hand to lower the zipper of her pants, Lee's fingers brushed along the edge of her matching silk panties. He slid his hand inside to begin a slow path over her abdomen, through her springy curls and finally, cupping her mound, his fingertips felt her moist warmth. Amanda gasped as his long middle finger curled into her and her hips thrust to the source of her pleasure, wanting him deeper inside.

Lee continued to suck and nip at her breast, as again and again his finger delved into her then slid out wet to stroke her. "Lee," she groaned hoarsely, as she began to buck against his hand. A soft whimper escaped her when he pulled his hand away. Hooking his thumbs on the waist of her slacks and panties, Lee slid them down her long legs. His tongue traced a moist line from her breast to her navel; the tight leather of his pants groaned as he lowered himself to his knees. Zigging a path across her stomach to suck a love bite on her hip, Lee then traced the flat plane of her pelvis to the inside of her thigh.

When Amanda stepped out of the last of her clothes, Lee leaned back and let his eyes slowly travel up her legs, hesitating at the alluring triangle of hair where her legs joined. He continued over the curve of her waist to her rounded breasts with their peaked, dusky nipples, and he allowed himself a few moments to watch their rapid rise and fall. His gaze traveled up to her parted lips and, finally, her passion-filled eyes looking down at him.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered.

With a small smile, she leaned her head against the door and closed her eyes, surrendering herself to him. Beginning at her knees, Lee's hands smoothed up the inside of her thighs and then, fingers splayed across her pelvis, both thumbs slowly traced a path along the moist juncture of her legs. He watched her face as her head lolled to one side and she released a groan of pleasure. Lee increased the pressure on his thumbs and stroked her as her hips began a slow rhythm.

"Oh…Lee," she softly moaned. Wrapping his hands around her hips, he grabbed her rounded cheeks and pulled her to his mouth. His tongue flicked out to taste her, teasing her most sensitive spot. With a gasp she thrust to him, and Lee latched on to her, sucking and licking as her hands wound in to his hair and pressed him tighter to her.

The scent of her perfume combined with the musky smell of her sex. The rocking motion of her hips and her soft moans were driving him wild. His erection grew thicker and harder; a bead of moisture formed on the tip. Flexing his arms, Lee pulled her against him and drove his tongue inside her. Amanda bucked and her fingers clenched in his hair. Again and again he delved into her. Her breathing grew harsh; her legs were trembling. "Lee …" his name caught in her throat and with a final grip of his hands he pulled her tight against his mouth, as she cried out and thrust to him. Wave after wave of pleasure hit her, and he stayed there, sucking and licking until he felt her go lax against the door.

Lee gave her a final, intimate kiss then stood up and swung her into his arms. He needed her now. Amanda's arms wrapped around his neck and she pulled his mouth to hers. He kissed her deeply, fiercely as he carried her upstairs to her bedroom.

He gently laid her on the bed then stood to toe out of his shoes, his eyes never leaving hers. Amanda rolled onto her side and, bending her elbow, propped her head on her hand. "You don't mind if I watch the show, do you?" she asked in a sexy murmur. His eyes narrowed and he gave her a wicked smile.

Lee hooked his thumbs in his waistband and began to peel the leather over his muscular thighs. Her eyes followed his movements as he stepped out of the confining pants, and then traveled back to his hips, staring hungrily at the thick flesh curving up from between his legs. Her undisguised desire caused his erection to twitch in anticipation and he moved to join her on the bed. Pushing his knee between her legs, Lee parted her as he settled himself between her thighs.

Resting his weight on his elbows, he nudged against her and Amanda raised her hips to him. Lee wanted to enter her slowly, drawing out her pleasure, but with his next nudge, her hands grabbed his hips and she thrust herself to him. Calling his name, she pushed against him and he slid into the tight silk of her body. "Oh God, Amanda," he groaned as he withdrew then plunged deeper into her, grinding his hips against her. She wrapped one leg around him, planting her heel at the small of his back and opening herself to him fully.

Their rhythm was immediately frantic. Lee pistoned in and out of her furiously, each stroke harder and deeper than the last. Amanda's rasping breath on his ear and her hands clutching at his back were quickly driving him to the edge, and he tried to hold on for her. Sliding in and out of her wet heat, he began to feel her contracting around him. "Lee!" she screamed his name as her hips made a final thrust and she spasmed uncontrollably against his body. "Oh, Amanda…baby…I'm com– " his shout echoed loudly as he buried himself in her. White light flashed behind his eyelids and he felt the wet warmth of his passion filling her with his release. Lee's hips continued to rock against her with the aftershocks of his orgasm.

Finally relaxing against her, his breathing was ragged. He nuzzled Amanda's cheek and felt her moist breath on his shoulder as she tried to regain control. Lee buried his face against her neck and moaned. God, he didn't know it could be that intense.

Still joined with her, he rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. Amanda lay spent on his chest, their heartbeats calming together. As Lee stroked her hair, he felt her smile against his skin.

"What's so funny?" he whispered gently.

"Cheryl will never believe this."

The End
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