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A little piece of Lula humor.

Rated: Teen
Categories: Stephanie Plum Characters: Lula, Stephanie Plum
Genres: Comedy
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 495 Read: 4122
Published: 24/05/08 Updated: 24/05/08
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: The characters from the world of Stephanie Plum are the sole property of the very talented author: Janet Evanovich.  I have only borrowed them and do not wish to make money off of them.  This story, however, is copyrighted to the mentioned author. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY.

 Author’s Note:  This piece was written in answer to Cat’s Loaded Challenge on Perfectly Plum. 

Many thanks to AmyF, for beta’ing for me.


1. Chapter 1 by JanG [Reviews - 0] (495 words)

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