Reviews For Making the Bed
Reviewer: Ossi Signed
Date: 12/08/18 - 01:04 pm Title: Chapter 14 - 12 years later

Liebe deine Geschichte. Am häufigsten gelacht habe ich bei dem schnarchenden Lee, der das nicht von seinem ehemaen Ehemann!

Toll geschrieben!

Reviewer: xiola Signed
Date: 04/09/15 - 12:36 am Title: Chapter 14 - 12 years later

The whole story was great- thanks for sharing it with us.

Author's Response: And thank you for stopping by to read this!  You know, I'd forgotten about my stories on here.  Nice to know someone still read them :)

Reviewer: xiola Signed
Date: 04/09/15 - 12:23 am Title: Chapter 2 - I year later

Second chapter is even better than the 1st.  So glad I found this.

Reviewer: xiola Signed
Date: 04/09/15 - 12:22 am Title: Chapter 1 Making the Bed

Love it!  Great beginning.

Reviewer: Jackiejacks Signed
Date: 12/05/11 - 01:36 am Title: Chapter 7 - 6 years later

OMG this is adorable. I'm enjoying the whole story but this from Bed's POV is brilliant, so creative and charming. Really well done :).

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